Love and Olive Oil

Fried Green Tomato BLTs

As you are reading this Taylor and I are off gallivanting in the Italian countryside, eating our way through the country. So please forgive me if I don’t respond to your comments/emails right away, since we are indeed computer-less (and smartphone-less, email-less, and twitter-less – oh the horror!) But we’ll be back soon with a full report of our trip! In the meantime, enjoy!

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Fried Green Tomato BLTs, aka BLFGTs. A southern twist on the classic sandwich. I love a fresh tomato like no other, but sometimes it’s nice to switch it up a little, and substituting fried green tomatoes does just that. Topped with some super smoky bacon and spicy arugula, you have yourself one heck of a sandwich. I know many of you (who actually had success growing tomatoes this summer) may have some green ones that don’t quite have the time to ripen. That’s when a sandwich like this is ideal, as it’s a perfect way to use up what’s left on the vines before the first frost hits.

Fried green tomatoes must be an acquired skill, or maybe just something only a born and bred Southerner can master. Our nice crisp crust seemed to slide right off the slippery tomato after just one bite. I’m sure there’s a trick, I’m just not Southern enough to know what it is.

These sandwiches also feature the wonder that is Benton’s bacon. Cured locally in Tennessee, to call this a smoky bacon would be an understatement. After cooking just two measly pieces for these sandwiches, our home smelled like a campfire for nearly 3 days. But I’d much rather have a bacon-scented abode than one that smells like fish (probably one of the reasons you don’t see more seafood dishes from us – smells tend to linger here). Bacon though, bacon I can deal with.

Fried Green Tomato BLTs

Makes 4 servings. Recipe from Food & Wine.

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4 slices of bacon
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 large egg beaten with 1 tablespoon of water
1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 pound unripe green tomatoes or large tomatillos, cut into 1/2-inch slices
Canola oil
8 thick-cut slices of country bread, toasted
Mayonnaise and baby arugula, for assembling


Preheat the oven to 400° and line a rimmed baking sheet with foil. Arrange the bacon on the foil and bake for about 15 minutes, until crispy. Drain the bacon and cut in half.

Meanwhile, put the flour, egg mixture and cornmeal in 3 shallow bowls. Season the cornmeal generously with salt and pepper. Dip the tomato slices in the flour, then in the egg and finally in the cornmeal, pressing to help it adhere. Transfer the slices to a wax paper–lined platter.

In a very large skillet, heat 1/4 inch of canola oil until shimmering. Add the tomatoes and cook over moderately high heat, turning once, until golden and crisp, 5 minutes. Drain the tomatoes on paper towels.

Lay 4 slices of toast on a work surface and lightly spread with mayonnaise. Top with the green tomatoes, bacon and arugula. Close the sandwiches, cut in half and serve.

All images and text © / Love & Olive Oil

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  1. Mmmmmmmmmmm love green tomatoes.. this dish looks so appetizing!! .. I bought some at the market yesterday.. might cook them this way for tomorrow brunch!

  2. that is an awesome to fry the tomatoes! adds another layer of texture to it. this looks delicious!

  3. That is my kind of sandwich! A glass of wine and presto… I am happy camper. Well… until dinner that is LOL

  4. That sandwich is probably the best idea ever! I wish I still had green tomatoes left!

  5. These look absolutely amazing!!! Hope you’re having fun gallivanting around Italy :)

  6. Now this is what I call a BLT, aka BLFGT – YUM!
    :-) Mandy

  7. How interesting! I’ve never tried fried green tomatoes, but this sound delicious. What a great way to get introduced to a classic. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Just came across your site and love it! Beautiful!

    I’ve never had fried green tomatoes before, but have ALWAYS wanted to try them. This sandwich looks delectable!

  9. This is making my mouth water!!

  10. Lovely recipe! I like this recipe for sure! I am going to have to give this a shot with vegan soy bacon. Thanks!

  11. I hope we’ve fully earned our Southerner badges living down here for almost two years now. Maybe that’ll get us a fried green tomato — can’t believe we haven’t had any yet! That sandwich is stacked high… just how I like ’em.

    Cheers, or rather, Salut!


  12. Very gorgeous photo! :)

  13. Please excuse my while I clean the drool off my keyboard. Yum, yum, and YUM.

    P.S. Your little disclaimer at the top of your blogs makes me more and more jealous every time I read one! I hope you’re having a BLAST though!

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