Love and Olive Oil

Red Wine Sangria

I’m not a big red wine fan. Or a wine fan in general. But I do like sangria. Thanks again to Julie for introducing it to me (you have to make this! It’s almost as good Pipa!). It makes quite a bit though, we made half the recipe and it filled an entire pitcher. Good party drink? Be sure to plan ahead though… the longer it sits, the better it gets. :)

Red Wine Sangria

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Red Wine Sangria

Recipe from Bobby Flay. Makes 8 servings.

2 bottles red Spanish table wine
1 cup brandy
1/2 cup triple sec
1 cup orange juice
1 cup pomegranate juice
1/2 cup simple syrup, or more to taste (equal parts sugar and water, heated until sugar dissolves, cooled)
Orange slices
Apple slices
Pomegranate seeds

Mix all ingredients together and let stand in a tightly sealed container or pitcher for at least 24 hours in the refrigerator before serving.

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  1. Pingback: Springing Forward « a glass of milk

  2. Hooray for Sangria and small kitchens!

  3. Pingback: Indie Fixx » What’s so Indie About Food? Labor Day Sangria!

  4. Pingback: Love and Olive Oil » Top-Notch Tapas

  5. Hooray! I thought my lil cousin would NEVER drink Sangria, let alone put a recipe for it up on her website :) Thanks to Pipa…. You’re the best, Linds! (and Taylor, too!)

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