Love and Olive Oil

A Book for Breakfast Lovers

Well, folks, I figured it’s about time I spill the beans on book #2, considering that the release date is only THREE MONTHS away (where did the time go?) So, without further adieu, I present to you…

Breakfast for Dinner: The Book

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Breakfast for Dinner. And get this: it’s already available for pre-order on Amazon!

This book is quite a bit different than the last one. In fact, I went pretty much in the opposite direction: from no eggs to lots and lots of eggs. I also had a true partner, co-authoring this book with my husband, Taylor. Sure, Taylor helped immensely during the first one, washing way more than his fair share of dishes, but most of the recipe concepting and development was up to me. This time around, it was truly a joint endeavor.

Let’s rewind.

Last February, while I was so patiently waiting for the release of my first book, my lovely editor Margaret brought up the idea of starting a second book. We went back and forth with a few ideas, and I figured, it’d be a good way to bide my time while waiting for Cookie Dough Lover’s to be released. So why not?

One of her emails mentioned a concept she had been wanting to pursue for some time: breakfast for dinner. I casually mentioned it to Taylor that morning, seeing that he’s usually the more savory half of our relationship.

By the end of the day, he had a lengthy list of recipe ideas in the notes of his phone. It was all he could talk about.

His excitement was contagious, and less than a week later the deal was done. We were writing a cookbook. Together.

Breakfast for Dinner Cookbook

The result is an ode to all things breakfast. Over 60 recipes, re-worked in such a way that they’re perfectly satisfying as a dinnertime meal. PM twists on AM favorites. Supper classics infused with breakfast flavors. Oh, and breakfast for dessert too.

Because, really, who has time to cook an honest to goodness breakfast anymore? And it’s such a shame to let all those wonderful breakfast flavors go unused.

Cookbook Photography Hero Wall

Like last time, we did all the photography for this one too. Can I just say that photographing eggs (whether sunnyside up, poached, hard-boiled, or scrambled, is maybe my least favorite thing, ever?)

Photographing Burgers for the Cover

Breakfast For Dinner officially drops February 12th, but you can pre-order the book on Amazon now. We’ve got some great events in the works to celebrate the release, including signings, potlucks, and demos in Nashville, Memphis, San Francisco, and Napa. I’ll definitely keep you updated on all the details as soon as they are finalized.

Taylor and I could not have done this alone, and have to give mad props to the fantastic team at Quirk Books for all their efforts. It truly takes a village to raise a… cookbook. Also to our parents, friends, and generous volunteers to who so willingly set aside any diet plans and helped us test these recipes. You all are fantastic!!

From fried chicken and waffles to mint chip pancakes, savory stuffed french toast to espresso baked beans, the recipes in this book are crave-worthy. Seriously. Even after eating breakfast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for probably 5 months straight, we still get cravings for some of these recipes. The Loco Moco? It’s to die for. And maple bacon cupcakes? You know we went there.

And remember, when in doubt, put an egg on it!

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  1. You two are amazing! Congratulations on this newest book!

  2. Look at you!!!! Good job girl!

  3. How much do I love that you included the Loco Moco? I just got back from a trip to the Big Island and at one breakfast place my bf got something called Da Tita Moke, which is like a Loco Moco on steroids. Fried rice, a hamburger patty, a chicken cutlet, several slices of spam, eggs, gravy and fried onions. It was insane.

    But congratulations on the book! Can’t wait to see it :)

  4. Love this news!! Congratulations to you and Taylor, I can’t wait to see this book! After the last one, I know it will be fabulous!

  5. I love this idea for a cookbook. Breakfast tastes so much better at night!

  6. I lovvvveee breakfast for dinner, your photos, this idea, and every part of this! I love that you guys are in it together, it warmed my heart to read that. I am pre ordering it, and I cannot wait to see it. I dig the printed photos on the wall around your photo set up, so cool. Congratulations, this is an amazing accomplishment!

  7. how fun, congrats!! breakfast for dinner is absolutely my favoritest thing ever, so i can’t wait to check it out :)

  8. Love it, Brinner as we call it in my family is a favorite of mine to be sure. I can’t wait for this. And breakfast type desserts oh boy that I got to see. Congrats.

  9. I love love LOVE breakfast for dinner, and the book comes out the day after my birthday! It’s a sign! Not only must I make breakfast for dinner tonight, but my husband has to buy this for me. Right?!?!

  10. This is the greatest idea for a cookbook that I have ever heard! I’m not normally a breakfast person because the options are so limited. But I love how you incorporated breakfast flavors into dinners! I’m very excited to get my hands on a copy!



  12. Congrats!!! This book looks amazing.

  13. Such an awesome concept, just last night I made breakfast for dinner for my kids and they always treat it like it’s a huge deal/treat! They go nutso :)

  14. BFD: The best dinner ever! I can’t wait to get my egg-loving mitts on this one. Thank you!

  15. Congratulations to the both of you! From what I can tell from the pictures of your photos, they look amazing– as always! :) What a great idea for a cookbook–I cannot wait to get it!

  16. Yay! Congratulations, I can’t wait for this book. I LOVE having breakfast for dinner!

  17. Not gonna lie, I’ve been stalking this at work (at B&N) for awhile. I can’t wait to get my hands on it! It’s definitely going directly onto our staff recommends display just like the first one!

  18. YUM! Congratulations to you! Already shared your link on my blog’s facebook page! :) Looking forward to the release!

  19. Congratulations! I could never imagine pulling that off especially twice! Nice work! Although I could absolutely eat breafast for dinner 5 months straight. ;-)

  20. Congratulations!!!! I can not wait to purchase this. My cousin and I call it “Brinner” and always talk about how underrated breakfast for dinner is. I will be purchasing two of your books. One for me and one for her :)

  21. congrats! so exciting. must have been wonderful to work with your husband on it. and what a great idea on the theme.

  22. Seriously?!?! I cannot WAIT to get my hands on this book. Breakfast for dinner is my absolute favorite – did you write this one just for me? Congratulations on yet another wonderful accompolishment, Lindsay!

  23. Looks incredible! Can’t wait to hold it, and flip through it!

  24. Oh, I can’t WAIT for this one!

  25. I am a huge fan of runny eggs! And who doesn’t love to have breakfast at every meal of the day! Thank you for keeping breakfast alive in this fast pace world!

  26. Congratulations on your second book being released soon! I LOVE having breakfast for dinner (and so do my hubby and kiddos, 4 & 5) and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of your new book in February!

    I bought your first book because I am a cookie dough lover, and enjoy it very much! My kids and I love to browse the pages, and decide what to make next :-)

  27. Congratulations. It looks as though your recipes are amazing!!! I loooooove breakfast – its the best meal of the day. xxoo

  28. Congratulations on this creative and clever book! The photos look stunning and this is sure to be a hit!! Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner?? I need more of that in my life! Can’t wait to get it! :)

  29. Congratulations! I am so excited about this cookbook (I loved your last one too!). I eat breakfast for almost every meal of the day, so this is just up my ally! I hope to catch you in Memphis which is where I live!

  30. Breakfast at non-breakfast times of day is one of my favorite things, I cannot wait to get my hands on your new book!

  31. What a fun idea for a book! Can’t wait to check it out!

  32. So excited for you and Taylor! This new cookbook will be a huge hit!!

  33. I love breakfast for dinner….Who doesn’t like pancakes for dinner? Or leftover hashbrowns and crumpled up leftover bacon …nuked for a late nite snack. I always try to make sure I have leftover hashbrowns whenever I make them. And cold pancakes dipped in smushed up strawberries… I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. I’m definitly a breakfast person….though not a morning person

  34. How is it that I’m equally as excited for this book as I was for your last book?! My boyfriend would LOVE this book. He’s all about breakfast for dinner. Congratulations!!

  35. Lindsay, This looks so cool! I love the concept of the book and love that you and Taylor could work on it together. Rooting for you guys and will totally show up at your Nashville book launch. : )

  36. Congrats! What a fantastic concept…can’t wait for the recipes.

  37. Congratulations Lindsay, what an awesome looking book! I love the concept and I really love the photography. You’re such a superstar!

  38. Congratulations, Lindsay! I love this concept and, ahem, so do my kids. Can’t wait!

  39. Oh oh oh my god going on my list right now!

  40. That’s awesome Lindsay. Congratulations.

  41. How exciting!!! Congrats!

  42. You are the best. Plain and simple!

  43. Congrats, Lindsay, on book #2! WOOT!!!! You are on fire between your books, blog, your design work; you go girl! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of it. I know your recipes, and photography!, will be stunning. And all Quirk’s books publish beautifully and can’t wait to see it!

  44. Oh my goodness, Congratulations!!!! Love all of the sneak peak photos!!

  45. Congratulations! This is such a fabulous concept for a cookbook and I can’t wait to see what you’ve created together.

  46. YAY, so exciting! As a huge savory person , I’m super excited about to see this cookbook. =) And I think it’s so cool that you + Taylor were able to co-author it together. Awesome!

  47. Congrats!! I can’t wait to see all of the amazing recipes. I’m already hungry for breakfast. ;)

  48. Sooo excited for this! See, we always eat ‘breakfast’ for dinner because my Brazilian husband does not believe eggs and bacon are breakfast food :P So this is my life! Can’t wait!!!!

  49. We still dream out those chicken and waffles…cannot wait to hold this book, Lindsay & Taylor! I’m so incredibly proud of you both!! xoxo

  50. wow – this is insanely awesome!! i’m so happy for you and this is such a great concept!!! congratulations :) will be pre-ordering!! xo

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