Love and Olive Oil

Taylor’s Bacon Fried Rice

Taylor's Fried Rice

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My name is Taylor and I am Love & Olive Oil’s man-food correspondent. Lindsay is currently on assignment (knee deep in cupcake batter) and I will be filling in for a couple of recipes. I am also the resident dishwasher, co-cook, and voice of reason, all of which pretty much make me the best husband ever.

On to the fried rice. I absolutely love all Asian inspired food. While I planned for this recipe, I usually think of fried rice as that dish you make when trying to use up leftover rice, vegetables, and meat. In an effort to simulate this “leftoverness”, I actually made the rice a day ahead of time and refrigerated it overnight to let it cool and dry out a bit, which I think is key to good fried rice. If the rice is too warm and moist, there is potential for it to turn mushy. One more note about the rice. Don’t be usin’ that cheater rice that comes in little plastic pouches. Rice is really easy to make, and there is something downright wrong about boiling and microwaving plastic.

The bacon I used is a thick sliced smokey bacon, and while probably not authentic, added a nice touch to the dish. You know what I love most about this fried rice? With the bacon and egg, I could easily eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or a snack in between.

taylor's bacon fried rice

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2 cups brown jasmine rice
6 slices bacon, diced
4 eggs, beaten
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
4 scallions, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup frozen peas
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 tablespoons soy sauce, or to taste


In a saucepan, combine 1 1/2 cups of water and rice. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender. Fluff with a fork. Rice is best when made a day a head of time and allowed to cool completely and dry out slightly.

Cook bacon over medium high heat in large skillet until browned and fat is rendered. Drain all but two tablespoons of fat from pan and add onion, scallion, and garlic to bacon. Cook until softened, stirring occasionally. Don’t let the garlic brown. Add frozen peas, stir for another 2 minutes until defrosted. Transfer mixture into a bowl, reserving any leftover fat in skillet.

Lower heat to medium, add eggs to skillet and scramble. When eggs are done, remove eggs and place in a bowl. Wipe out any residue from skillet and add the 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Turn heat back up to medium high. When oil is hot but not smoking, add cooked rice in an even layer in the pan. Let rice sit, stirring only periodically, to allow it get brown and somewhat crispy. Stir in bacon/onion mixture, egg, and soy sauce. Remove skillet from heat and transfer to serving bowls. Garnish with sliced scallions and serve immediately.

All images and text © / Love & Olive Oil

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  1. I cannot recommend this recipe enough!
    I’ve made this recipe at least 5 times and it’s always so delicious.
    I’m not a big recipe-repeater so that’s saying a lot. Thank you!

  2. Made this for dinner tonight…yummmy!!

  3. You are the man! Fried rice is the best. I think it’s time for Mr. B to step up and do a guest post too. Yay for you pitching in! :)

  4. I made this the other night and it was fantastic. So easy and so flavorful!

  5. Fried rice is so versatile.. I love cooking with long grain as opposed to the short grain we get here in Japan… fab post!

  6. Taylor to the rescue! This looks so delicious.

  7. I made this last night with whatever I had laying around and it was so easy and tasted so good. Thank you for the recipe!

  8. This is SO great! The bacon is such an awesome idea :)

  9. so I just gave this recipe try and my friends and family loved it.
    also took the liberty of adding pineapple. (It added a great flavor to the dish!)
    thanks for the great recipe!

  10. This looks devine! I was turned on to your blog by Dream Home DIY’s May In Review post that included your scrumcious looking Grasshopper Brownie Bars. I have since become a follower on FB – LOVE what I’ve seen so far! I LOVE cooking! I’ve got four sons and a husband who LOVE eating so this site is perfect for me to incorporate new meals into our weekly plans. Thanks a ton for sharing all of this wonderful info!

  11. Yum!! (and I agree about the packaged rice! :)

  12. Great post, Taylor! The rice looks delicious!

  13. Great post Taylor! This certainly sounds like a man-chosen food, that would taste great any time of day!

  14. Taylor, You are a jack of all trades!
    You sew, you cook, you clean, you keep things organized and now you even post on L&OO blog. Lindsay is lucky to have you!
    I am expecting more “meaty” recipes with you cooking and posting while Lindsay is “on assignment.”

  15. Yummy!!!! Sounds great!

    Kisses from Hong Kong,

  16. I also love Asian-inspired cuisine and I see eye-to-eye with you on day-old rice…makes all the difference! Yours looks wonderful!

  17. Fried rice is such a good way of using up leftovers and I think this dish exemplifies the phrase ‘everything’s better with bacon’! I love how colourful this is :)

  18. I love this recipe; anything asian inspired is alright in my books! And although rice and I can have a contentious relationship at times, I love the real thing- microwave plastic rice is wrong on so many levels.

  19. Wow! Looks so delicious :)
    I’ll try to cook someday–. Thank you for sharing!

  20. Taylor, this is so awesome. You’re absolutely right that day old rice is the key to good fried rice! I love that you’re the best husband ever, I would have to disagree, mine is! ;D I’m loving that you’re going to start posting on Love and Olive Oil. I can’t believe it’s your first time though!

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