Love and Olive Oil

Search Results

Your search for "best of" returned 578 results:

Fun with Fondant.

My first practice for the wedding cupcake decor, proper colors and all. I bought some adorable little flower molds, some pre-packaged fondant and gumpaste, turquoise...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie Bites

What defines a cupcake? Is it the shape? The texture? The frosting? Because while these might look like mini-cupcakes, I don’t think I’d consider them...

Chipotle Lime Glazed Shrimp

Sometimes, the most simple things are the best things. Sure, we could have spent a few hours in the kitchen making some complex dish, searing...

A Thanksgiving Tradition

A Thanksgiving tradition has taken root, and it tastes darn good. What is it? Well, if you were around last year, you’d remember that we...

Spiced Chai Latte Cupcakes

Folks, we have a winner. Hands down, no question about it, winner. This little gem will be joining lovely almond and rich chocolate on our...