Save this recipe for later!
Our kitchen has a new addition. Hung perfectly on the wall right over the completely useless phone jack. It’s not just pretty, it’s utilitarian. And I love it to death.
You’ve seen this cupcake before, you say? Why yes! They’re the adorably delicious cherry-filled almond cupcakes from two years ago, interpreted in painting form by Indiana artist Sarah Wain.
Sarah contacted me a few months ago asking to use some of my dessert photos in her paintings. And if you’ve seen her paintings, it is obvious Sarah has a sweet tooth just like I do. She is one talented lady, able to capture the texture of cake and buttercream with paint on canvas. I was honored that she wanted to use my images and even more thrilled when she offered to send me a print of the final product.
The original painting is large and gorgeous, a whopping 24×36″. If I had a bigger wall in my kitchen I just might have to buy it. But for now, the print will have to do.
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I have on one wall a newly started collection of crosses…
I have a poster of cheeses of the world, a Dark Knight poster, and a Hawaiian flag surfboard hanging in my kitchen. Oh, and all the beers my housies have tried are lining our walls!
I liked you on Facebook. Kim G
I liked Sarah Wain on Facebook.
I liked you on facebook.
I would hang Le Creuset pots and pans on my wall along with some photos that I have taken in New Orleans.
I Like you on Faceboook!!
I have a plaque that says “I Kiss Better Thank I Cook”, but I would love for my walls to be covered in Nancy Thomas art!
I have a hand painted picture of chocolate dipped caramels on my kitchen wall. Love food paintings!
A large pictures of my kids making cookies!
I have vintage martini pictures in my kitchen and dining room. I think i would like to frame really old recipes and put them up as well.
I have a large pizza peel on my wall, we would like more artwork but we just bought our first home :-)
My dream kitchen would have a thick coat of orange paint. My current kitchen is quite teeny, and there is very little wall space.
Art as art- love it! We have french market baskets, egg plates and a rustic wood mirror on our kitchen walls.
When I have a kitchen of my own I would love to be able to hang up my beautiful colletion of aprons on the walls!
I like my walls rather simple, but I’ve been wanting some sort of “EAT” sign hung up for a while now!
Love this painting! Currently we have a few framed food photos in our kitchen, but we’re getting ready to replace them with a big framed chalkboard and an Etsy print. This cupcake would be a perfect addition!
I love her work! I have a fun clock on the wall of my little apartment kitchen… it’s neon green!
Our kitchen is anything but glamorous–it’s old, small, and there are lots of cracks in the walls! But in my dream kitchen I would have framed pictures all over the place and shelves with tea cups.
(By the way I’m also your Facebook fan!)
I have NOTHING on my walls (apartment), but in my dream house, there will be tons of white boards, chalkboards, peg boards for keeping notes and reminders, and lots of cute, happy art!
My tweet:!/kinziesays/status/101352925850386432
My kitchen has nothing on the walls right now– this would be such a fun addition!
love this picture. I have pots and pans hanging on my wall. If I ever get my dream kitchen it’ll have old or old looking Italian tiles with bright bold deep colors….so pretty in my mind
Absolutely adore your shelf with pots hanging, and of course the cupcake masterpiece! Great work.
3. Just became a fan of Sarah E. Wain over on facebook. Again, my name is Evy Nicole there.
2. I’m a fan of your facebook page. My name on there is Evy Nicole. =D
1. I’m a littler “new” twitter stupid and couldn’t figure out the link stuff. My handle is @EvyBoBevy, however, and you should be able to see it from there. =)
Currently on my kitchen wall we have a cute penguin picture from IKEA. Once I get a frame for it, we’ll be replacing it with an awesome Ohio Wine poster we got at a wine and food festival here in Columbus, Ohio. =)
I would love amazing pictures of food on my walls in my dream kitchen. I’ve often considered buying Smitten Kitchen’s images to hang on my walls. I think Sarah Wain’s painting could be a wonderful start to my collection.
Have tweeted the giveaway via @MariaCorral23
And I “Like” Sarah Wain on FB too:D
i “Like” Love and Olive Oil on FB
I don’t have anything hanging up unfortunately , but in my dream kitchen, i would have one of sarah wain’s paintings. I love art, because it’s beautiful in it’s own way. I really love cupcakes too, so that makes it even more amazing, Thanks:D
I have some hand painted plates I got while visiting Florence, Italy hanging above my sink. I could definitely find some room for a sweets print!
I actually have an 8×10 photo of a cupcake I took a few years back!! And a retro PEZ poster my sister gave me. That painting is gorgeous!
I have an empty canvas on my kitchen wall, waiting to be painted… One day, I say to myself, one day I will feel inspired.
My kitchen has very little wall space but I do have two special things on my wall: 1) the hanging pot rack over the window that my children gave to me years ago and 2) a framed poster of the food grown or caught in Monterey County. They both mean home to me.
I would love to someday have black and white picture of Italy with very subtle pops of color – just enough to catch your eye
And I “Like” Sarah Wain on FB too :)
i “Like” Love and Olive Oil on FB
Have tweeted the giveaway via @AChicaBakes
My dream kitchen would definitely have a pic of a sweet confection, very similar to this cupcake. This print looks GORGEOUS!!!!
I have nothing on my kitchen walls, not a thing! They are so boring and in much need of some spiffing up. If I could have anything, if would be a wall of cookbooks, and a wall of pegs to hold all my fabulous aprons.
Oops Robbie C. liked Sarah E. wain on facebook not Roobie. Sorry
I liked Sarah E. Wain on facebook. Roobie C.
I liked Love & Olive Oil on facebook Robbie C.
I have lots of pictures of Roosters in my kitchen. Love the pictures, scared of the animals in real life.
Already have been a fan of yours on FB! Nadia E!
Liked Sarah on FB! Nadia E.