Love and Olive Oil

Book Signings and San Francisco Sweets

It’s been an exciting two weeks. The book officially released on February 12th, and we celebrated with a TV appearance and book signing at Parnassus Books here in Nashville.

Nashville Talk of the Town

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Want to see me make some charmingly green (mint chocolate chip) pancakes? Watch the clip. And if you’re in Memphis, Taylor and I will both be appearing on WREG-TV’s Live at 9 this Thursday morning, demoing the Italian-style Stuffed French Toast from the book.

Book Signing at Parnassus Books, Nashville TN

(photo credit: Tabitha Tune)

Thanks to everyone who came out to the booksigning, hung around to chat about all things breakfast. We’re totally new at this and you made our job easy by being so welcoming and friendly.

Book Signing at Parnassus Books, Nashville TN

(photo credit: Tabitha Tune)

Not wasting any time, the next day we boarded a plane for San Francisco, where we spent our Valentine’s day at the most romantic place on earth.


Alcatraz state penitentiary.

While it was mainly a trip to visit family, we managed to sneak in a few book events while we were there.

Book Signing at Omnivore Books, San Francisco CA

Omnivore Books is the cutest little bookstore, selling nothing but cookbooks. Can I move in? Seriously, I knew I didn’t have much room in my suitcase or I would have come home with an armload.

Book Signing at Copperfield's Books, Napa CA

The next day we drove up to Napa where we had an event at Copperfield’s Books. We got to do a demo (our first ever!) in this gorgeous kitchen. Once again, I wanted to move in.

Book Signing at Copperfield's Books, Napa CA

And a trip to Napa isn’t complete without a stop at Bouchon. Line and all.

Bouchon Bakery, Napa

Once our events were over with (phew) we had a few days left to explore the city. Our (ok, my) checklist of “must-see” places was very sugar-centric. Tartine, Bi-Rite Creamery, Miette, Bouchon, The Candy Store… we hit them all.

Bi Rite Creamery, San Francisco

Despite even more lines (apparently my “must-sees” were everyone else’s too), we enjoyed every minute of it. We can’t wait to go back.

Tartine Bakery, San Francisco

If only for another morning bun.

Thanks to everyone who came out to our events, including family, friends, family friends, and loyal readers. We loved getting to meet you in person! We especially loved finally getting to meet Liana (long time-client and good friend), and Lisa (my blogger adoptee, look at what an amazing blogger she’s grown into!) They are the sweetest, really and truly. Thanks for the sweets and jams! :)

Memphis Booksigning at The Booksellers at Laurelwood

We’ve got one more book signing planned in Memphis this Thursday at the Booksellers at Laurelwood. If you’re in the area we’d love to meet you!

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  1. Hi Lyndsay,
    My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Napa to share on our site and I came across your post…If you’re open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. What a whirlwind! How I wish I could have been there with Lisa when she met you both – I can’t tell you how bummed I was. I’m glad the trip went well and that you got to taste SF’s best treats, too :) Congrats you two!

  3. Congratulations on all of your success! It looks like a very fun trip. Bi Rite creamery is the best ice cream place. I love all their flavors, but my favorite is a toss between the strawberry balsalmic and earl grey tea.

  4. Congrats!!! Such an exciting time for you.

  5. How exciting! Can’t wait to get this book!!

  6. OH. MY. STARS.! Just hopped over from Lori’s blog at Not only are you the wickedest web designer in the history of the world and mankind, but you have now written the cookbook of my dreams…my tummy’s dreams. I’m all about Breakfast for Dinner! So FABULOUS that you thought of this concept for your cookbook. (Where have I been???) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! Congratulations! Headed on over to Amazon to order without delay…like, NOW!! xo

  7. Boy, were you guys busy or what? That’s an amazing experience, I’m so happy for both of you! I also brag many, many times about you being the best web designer ever!

  8. Great list of must eat sf sweets! May I offer one more? Craftsman and Wolves-mind blowing!

  9. congrats…and so exciting…i love bookstores…and to be one just with cookbooks ahhhh….have fun!

  10. Congratulations! And what fun you followed up the book signing with a demo! Must have been such an experience!
    Thank you for sharing the photos you took from your bakery visits!
    (I did a similar thing in NY)

  11. Damn those pastries look AMAZING. Congratulations on the book will be getting my own copy asap.

    Unil then I’ll keep checking your blog and devouring your posts!

    Jess x

  12. Congrats! I wish I had been paying attention and known you were in SF…would have loved to stop by!

  13. Congratulations! This cookbook totally calls for me, since I think eggs are way better for dinner than they are for breakfast. Can’t wait to get my own copy!

  14. What a fun getaway! I always travel with my husband for his work and take that opportunity to tour around. Hope to visit Napa someday :)

    Congrats on the book — it looks so delicious!

  15. So glad you made it to Tartine. It’s a gem.

  16. Congrats on the book signing! You guys are too cute!!

  17. Tartine, Bi-Rite Creamery, Miette, Bouchon = WOW

    I love love love the whole Napa/Sonoma Northern Cal scene. I love San Fran, I just love the vibe and everything up there and what a great trip for you two.

    And I am thrilled for you guys that you were at Omnivore and Copperfield’s and wow…a live cooking demo…no pressure or anything. lol I love your new book and congrats, again, big time!!

  18. You guys look adorable on TV! I’m so happy I finally got to meet you and get my own copy of both of your books. Keep on rocking!

  19. lol what a romantic valentine’s day! ;) I hope you guys are able to find some down time now!

  20. You are on a roll!! Keep it up and have tons of fun!!

  21. Sounds like so much fun! I bet it was a blast to do your first demo!

  22. Lindsay – it was SOOOO great to finally meet you in person. Nice to also meet Taylor – you both are super cute together and compliment each other. I am extremely proud of all of your accomplishments and your second book is simply a peice of art. Love it! Hope that you and Taylor enjoy the jam and chutney. :-)

  23. Congrats on everything and the new cookbook! I am very excited for you both. :-)

  24. A book store with nothing but cookbooks?? I NEED to get there! Looks like you guys are having a fabulous time and doing an awesome job!! I’m already in love with the book :)

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