Love and Olive Oil


And now, a break from our regularly scheduled programming, I present to you, an exclusive behind the scenes look.

Indeed, cats make food photography way more interesting.

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  1. I need a cat to take pictures like this, or even two. They are so cute :)

  2. I especially loved the picture with your cat in the box! Too cute.

  3. I am in LOVE with this post! I feel like I have the exact same thing floating around the Photos archive on my computer. Don’t you just love that feline curiosity? They always manage to get exactly in the one place you don’t want them, but still look at you like “What? I can totally be here.”

  4. thank you SO, so much for posting these pictures! this totally made my day.
    your cats are pretty cute.

  5. This is the best food post ever haha I love cats and my cat is always trying to sneak into pictures also!

  6. Haha, what an adorable post – gotta love our furry friends :)

  7. This is the cutest thing ever! I don’t live with a cat anymore, but whenever I visit my mom, her cat is always very curious about what the humans are eating. If you leave a bowl of cereal unattended for 5 seconds his furry little face will be right in the milk!

  8. Such adorable kitties! Mine isn’t nearly that curious. Substitute “toddler” for “cat” in most of those photos, and that’s my life.

  9. So precious! My cat has also claimed the kitchen table as her territory. No placemat is safe from cat hair.

  10. This is exactly what I needed this morning! Those darned cats…

  11. “Canning & Cats” I’d buy that cookbook. Also, I turned a quart jar box into a bed for my cat because she kept sleeping in it instead of the fluffy, ritzy cat bed we bought her!

  12. I also I have two very curious cats, follow me for all.
    I love cats. Your photos are very nice

  13. Love it! The cats are lovely. The gray one looks so fluffy :)

  14. LOVE this. So funny. Aren’t cats the best!?

  15. This made me totally laugh! (Especially when viewing with the very appropriate soundtrack.) Glad to know I’m not the only one that has little whiskers in everything I’m doing.

  16. Ha ha! I have the same issue with a chubby little 4-year old hand creeping into my photos … :)

  17. This post made my night. Thank you.

  18. kittehs! this cracks me up. you need to include more of these posts :)

  19. ps the one of the kitty in the Ball jar box is my favorite, I think. Hilarious!

  20. This is too adorable Lindsay and I know this experience all too well :)

  21. Oh, my! These are awesome – and I am a dog person. ;-) Love the accessories, too.

  22. My cats do the same exact thing. They need to smell everything and they KNOW where you will be focusing your attention next and plant themselves there. Thanks for publishing the photos!

  23. I love this so much. I’ve been looking at it all day. This is so typical of cats and it’s hilarious.

  24. This is too funny.

  25. Your cats are so cute!! I miss owning one. :( We live in an apartment that doesn’t allow pets..

  26. are you sure you weren’t taking these in my house? :)

    i’ve got one big black cat, a new orange kitten that has adopted US, and a crazy puppy. it’s rare to get pictures without any whiskers or tails :)

  27. LOL mine isn’t allowed on the counter nor table so no photo bombs here. Can’t stop laughing.

  28. Love this post!–So cute and definitely reminds me of my kitty’s similar habits.

  29. I love this…I have a doggie pic on my blog right now that would work in with these perfectly…thanks for posting!!

  30. I miss my cat looking at these adorable cats here. In my next life, I want to be a cat in your kitchen.

  31. My cats love to be part of the photography process, too. They don’t go in much for salad, but they love chicken, shrimp, or anything tenuous like ice cream. And soup — they love soup.

  32. I have my own series of these types of photos, and they make me smile every time, even when they frustrate me to no end. Wouldn’t trade it.

  33. I had such a wonderful laugh at these photos. I understand completely!

  34. ha, they are so so cute! I love that they are so curious! mine only comes around whenever he hears a ban open thinking it’s tuna LOL never when i’m baking sweets.

  35. That is a very familiar scene. Only instead of furry paws and whiskers, I have two sets of little hands poking their fingers into food. :)

  36. They are inspecting your work! You passed!

  37. Brava!!! Awesome post!!!

    Do they make residuals?

  38. grey kitty is a bit of a fat cat.

  39. So funny! Love it. My cats do that too … I need to start a collection. LOL

  40. hahaha! love this!

  41. This is hilarious, I love it. Cats are the best photo bombers. :)

  42. What awesome pics! Love the post! :)

  43. ha! these are fantastic!

  44. Wow, that’s exactly how it goes in my kitchen, too :) The cats certainly put a lot more smiles into my life!

  45. Hehe. I like to photograph my food on the kitchen floor so I have the same problem with my kitties!

  46. I completely love this! My kitties never jump up to see what I’m doing. LOL I can’t wait to meet these beauties!!!

  47. Hee-lar.ious.

  48. I love how helpful your cats are with your photography. =)

  49. Yay for cats!

  50. I love this so so so much!

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