Love and Olive Oil

Chocolate Espresso Fudge Cookies

Chocolate Espresso Fudge Cookies

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Another cookie my dad would love. Or did love. Yes, lucky guy, he got some of these too.

These cookies are irresistible. Dense and chewy, a brownie in cookie form. With a shot of espresso. Chocolate and espresso have a way of bringing out the best in each other, never has that been more apparent than in this recipe. The espresso makes the chocolate taste darker, richer. The chocolate makes the espresso sweeter and more robust. Just don’t eat them before bedtime.

But what you’re probably wondering is, what’s with the influx of cookie recipes, lately? I’m backlogged with them, I tell you. I think, over the holidays, I had the realization that this blog was seriously lacking in the cookie section. Cupcakes? 49. Cookies? 19. I sense a gross injustice.

Don’t think this is the end of it either. I’ve got more cookies waiting in the wings. You have to give me some credit for trying to space them out in between soups and salads and such, but oh, I’ve got plenty of cookies. Call it equal-opportunity baking, if you will.

You’ll thank me next November.

Chocolate Espresso Fudge Cookies


3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
2 cups (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3 large eggs
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup walnuts (optional – I left these out)


Preheat oven to 350°F and grease two large heavy baking sheets.

In a double boiler or a metal bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water melt unsweetened chocolate, 1 cup chocolate chips, and butter, stirring until smooth, and remove top of double boiler or bowl from heat. In a bowl with an electric mixer beat eggs, sugar, and espresso on high speed until very thick and pale and mixture forms a ribbon when beaters are lifted, about 3 minutes, and beat in chocolate mixture. Into mixture sift in flour, baking powder, and salt and stir until just combined. Stir in remaining chocolate chips and walnuts.

Drop batter by heaping tablespoons about 2 inches apart onto baking sheets and bake in batched in middle of oven 8 to 10 minutes, or until puffed and cracked on top. Cool cookies in baking sheets 1 minute and transfer to racks to cool completely.

Recipe from Epicurious.

All images and text © / Love & Olive Oil

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  1. Rating: 5

    These cookies are a go to for me at Christmas time!

  2. Rating: 2

    I had never come across this website before. This was a new site, and I used it be I was searching for a fudge chocolate cookie recipe and this had a 5.0 rating on Google from a number of people. I was also excited to make this recipe Bc nearly all the comments I read said they were amazing – and I assumed that meant everyone was able to navigate the recipe easily and so the cookies were coming out perfectly for everyone. However, I found this recipe lacked clarity and was not clear to follow, and the cookies the resulted did not impress me. They were flat and the flavor was just “ok”. I was not blown away at all. I don’t know if it was the recipe or me – but typically I am good at baking and following directions. So either – the directions were poorly written resulting in a poor cookie – or I am not good at baking – but I have history on my side to tell me that items I’ve made have come out excellent when the directions have been clear and easy to follow. So – I did not care for this recipe and it turned out to be a waste of time and effort for me. Won’t be making these again. Probably will think twice before using a recipe from this site again. Because I can’t trust a “5.0” rating with good reviews if the directions lack clarity/detail and aren’t easy to follow. 

    • Sorry you had trouble with this recipe (it’s not ours originally, it’s from Epicurious). It’s been years since I made it but I’m happy to try to help troubleshoot what went wrong. What part of the recipe did you have trouble with?

      Not sure where you saw 5 stars, I just added ratings to this site a month ago and this recipe has no star ratings at this time (well, now it has one 2 star rating lol).

  3. I made these today and they are addictive, gorgeous, and so ridiculously tasty. My sweetheart loves them, too! The irresistible scent of chocolate and espresso filled the entire kitchen while in the oven… thank goodness they bake so quickly. ;) Amazing recipe!

  4. Absolutely lovely – you know, they work with gluten-free flour!!

    In another note – I have been looking for a mug like that for ages – can you tell me where you got it??

    • Mug was a gift from my aunt – we also have one that says “BEGIN”. Maybe if she’s reading she can chime in… Sal? Care to share?

  5. Just made these last night and they’re SOOOOOO delicious! Like brownie and cookie form. Though I did make the mistake of munching on a few samples before bed… and two hours later I was still awake… WORTH IT! :)

  6. I love this mug! where did you find it!??

  7. WOW. Stunning picture. I will be dreaming about these cookies!

  8. I <3 cookies. Especially brownies that are disguised as cookies. With espresso. Droooollll

  9. this sounds like my kind of cookie!

  10. I’m such a sucker for crinkly outside cookies. These sound so yummy!

  11. I couldn’t resist. Went and bought espresso powder and these cookies are AH-mazing!

  12. Made these cookies today, I am officially the best mom on the planet today, thanks for the recipe……devine!!

  13. I love the idea of these cookies, but I have a strong aversion to powdered coffee. Do you think I could use real espresso?

  14. These look delicious! I’ve been baking cookies lately too, for a while it seemed like bread recipes were taking over my blog

  15. Now this looks like my kind of wake up call!

  16. I just made cookies a few days ago, but I think I have to give these a try. I just love chocolate and coffee.

  17. Cookies are about home, mom, love, life. One can never have too many cookies. This one looks delicious. Served too strong coffee to your mom and dad this morning, will be perfect for these cookies. Happy Birthday!

  18. These cookies look sooo amazing!! I love espresso powder in baked goods. Mmmm…I can’t wait to give these a try! :)

  19. do you think i could sub instant coffee powder?

    LOVE that mug by the way!

  20. I’m sold! Another thing for the to do list this weekend!

  21. Wish I had for breakfast with MY coffee right now!!! Serisously

  22. Those just look amazing. I love the crinkle tops; crinkle-top cookies automatically taste better!

  23. They look terrific! Keep ’em coming…we will all be looking for them in November :)

  24. First time on your blog and I love it! Im def going to try these cookies.

    I would like to link u to my cooking blog if you’d like. Let me know

    – Dani

  25. Love these. And your mug, too. YUM. But definitely not before bed.

  26. Oooo yummy!

  27. a cookie after my own heart! these look scrumptious!

  28. mmm thanks for the recipe! bout to make these for my pops for his bday.

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