Save this recipe for later!
Baby, it’s cold outside.
I’m going to stay inside, wrapped in a blanket, drinking this albino take on a wintertime favorite. Would you believe me if I told you practically tastes like liquid birthday cake? Because it does.
Especially with whipped cream and sprinkles.
This recipe will give you two small mugs (or one big one – no judgement here) of thick, creamy, and oh-so-steamy white hot chocolate. It’s cooked with a bit of tapioca starch (use cornstarch if you can’t find it), and some non-fat milk powder for an extra thick and creamy consistency without any heavy cream. Not that I’m claiming it’s healthy or anything, but, you know, it could be worse. Just saying.
Stir a little amaretto or Irish cream into this and I’ll see you in the morning.
Not all white chocolate is created equal. When purchasing it, the mark of a good quality white chocolate is cocoa butter listed as one of the first ingredients. No cocoa butter? It’s not really white chocolate. Save those white baking chips for some cookies, and go for the good stuff here.
I chose to use a local product, Olive & Sinclair buttermilk white chocolate, the best white chocolate I’ve ever had. It’d convert even the most adamant white chocolate naysayer. Because it is not sickeningly sweet like most white chocolates are, and the buttermilk gives it a bit of a tang. And, like Taylor (a self-declared white chocolate hater) said, it actually tastes like chocolate. Vanilla chocolate.
And all is right with the world.
White Hot Chocolate
- 3 ounces good quality white chocolate, finely chopped
- 1 teaspoon tapioca starch* or cornstarch
- 1/4 cup non-fat dry milk powder
- 1 1/2 cups whole milk
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles, for serving
- Place chopped chocolate in a medium, heat-proof bowl and set aside.
- In a saucepan, whisk together starch and milk powder. Slowly pour in milk, whisking until smooth and no lumps remain. Heat over medium heat until mixture just starts to steam. Pour over white chocolate. Let sit for 30 seconds, then stir until smooth and melted.
- Return mixture to saucepan and stir over medium heat until thickened, about 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Divide among mugs, top with whipped cream and sprinkles, and serve.
*Look for tapioca starch (not to be confused with the granules/pearls or pudding) in the baking isle of specialty grocers (I used the Let’s Do Organic brand from Whole Foods), online, or at asian food stores. I liked it because it thickens just as effectively as cornstarch but with a creamier texture and no starchy aftertaste.
Did you make this recipe?
Let us know what you think!
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I like how you wrote “stir in a little amaretto or Irish cream”
ahahahahahaha i’m sorry but you misspelled “and”
Aham, Lindsay thank you very much for your answer to my comment, aham if they are like thickeners I understand now, in my place where I live I saw in grocery store has in little bag from 5 gram its called like thickener and now I understand those powder thickener if I use in some ” fluently content” then would be more thickener… Thank you for your answerr … I would try this recipe and I would tell you in comment how its the final product came out…. I Wish you all the best and thank you
Hellooo For first time I’ve visited your blog , and your recipies are great such delicious, but I saw this recipe for White hot Chocolate I think is easy to try but I don’t understand what it’s ” tapioca starch* or cornstarch ” , where I live in Macedonia we don’t have thing like that, can you explain me what is and can I do this recipe without that???!!! Thank you so much if you’ll read this and reply to my comment …. LEave an message or reply…. btw your recipes are amazing… Wish you luck and everything the best in the future …..
They are both thickeners. You could definitely make it without but you’ll just end up with a thinner final product.
This looks mouthwatering!! I wanted to let you know I featured it in my roundup! You can see it here… :)
Wow- I bought this Olive and Sinclair white chocolate with the intention of making this.. but then my husband asked me to make brownies last night and it was the only bar chocolate we had, so I used it in place of the semi sweet chocolate, and they are possibly the best brownies ever. I love all of the Olive and Sinclair chocolates, but never would have bought the white chocolate if you hadn’t mentioned it for this recipe – thank you!
Si mezclamos los 2 colores imaginaros el sabor y color.
I love white hot chocolate!!
Such a unique idea! Perfect for a change of pace from the typical hot cocoa. A chocolate drizzle might be necessary on top! :)
I discovered white hot chocolate this time last year and I love it! I just make it with quality white chocolate and milk. I wonder what the addition of milk powder and tapioca / corn starch would make and if it is worth it.
Wowza, this looks like something I’d dive right into and then swim backstrokes in! Yuum! I want like 70,000 mugs in my face pronto!
This looks so, so, so, delicious. A little magic in a cup for a special moment. YUM! White chocolate swoon.
I love good quality white chocolate, but the junky stuff is what gives the real stuff a bad name. This looks absolutely delicious!
Oh my word! I want this now! I have never had white hot chocolate.. I need to change that!
I’m SO with you on the hierarchy of white chocolate – sometimes chips just don’t cut it. I touched on this idea in my post today, actually:
We must have white chocolate ESP :)
What is it about sprinkles that makes me smile?! This is a happy drink!!
Oh yum. As I sit here unable to sleep, I would LOVE to be sipping on this. Looks delicious!
I would love to have One Big Giant mug full of this! Gimme a snorkel, I’m goin’ in!
Love, love, I want two cups of this! :)
Yum, can’t say I’m a white chocolate fan either but am definitely keen to try this as an after dinner drink.
Allie from Urban Feast
Such a beautiful cup! And congrats on a successful year too :)
I’ve always been more of a fan of white chocolate than dark chocolate. I have to try this out!! =)
You KNOW I love the sprinkles on top of this white chocolate treat Lindsay! Amazing. I am a white chocoholic. :)
Amaretto and hot chocolate: amazing!
It is cold outside, and white hot chocolate is my favorite!!
Yum! My Husband and Step-daughter are white chocolate freaks! I have to make this for them! Fabulous recipe!!
I love white chocolate, and I totally want this drink right now! This looks fantastic!
White hot chocolate is my fave, so much better than milk hot chocolate. Great recipe!
I love love love white hot chocolate! It reminds me of catch-up dates with a dear friend of mine. She’d get tea and I’d order a white hot chocolate and we’d laugh for hours until we closed down Starbucks! The photos in this post are gorgeous… I swear, you’re going to make me a rainbow sprinkle convert!
Looks delicious!! :)
My husband loves anything white chocolate.
This looks so unholy and so delicious!
I made white hot chocolate in December and added peppermint to it but I’m pretty sure your idea of stirring a little amaretto or Irish cream in is wayyyy better!
Normally white chocolate is not my thing, but maybe I will try a better quality one since this looks divine!
Tasty! Cardamom is another addition I love — a chocolate cafe here in Oakland infuses the milk for their white hot chocolate with whole cardamom pods. Highly recommended.
Mmmm I could you a cup of this tonight! Looks delish :)
Gosh that looks absolutely delightful!!
Oh goodness, this looks INCREDIBLE. Can’t wait to try it!! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, this look delicious, this would be a great alternative to a after dinner dessert!
I love white chocolate and this looks like pure comfort food that is drinkable! Thanks for sharing, XOXO
Mmm my FAV hot drink! Great recipe!
I love the WHITE CHOCOLAT¡¡ Thank you¡¡
My boyfriend would die over this! He is a nut for white chocolate anything.
Liquid birthday cake?? I’M SO IN.
The sprinkles are an absolute must!
I’m a huge white chocolate fan, the creamy, buttery taste is just the best and you put it in a cup! Bless you child….. :)