Love and Olive Oil

5 Things for Thursday

Is it really Thursday? As in, almost Friday? Really? I actually have no idea what day it is because my internal (external, and upside-downternal) clocks are all out of whack. Back to back trips with delayed connections, multiple time zones, and to-do lists as long as the TSA security line will do that do you. Oy vey.

But I want you to know that just because I don’t have a recipe for you doesn’t mean I can’t post something. In fact, I have some stuff to tell you. Five things, in fact.

1. Food Blog Forum is coming to Nashville on October 8th! Mark your calendars! Save the date! I’ll remind you again (and probably a few more times after that), once registration for the event is up and running (soon, I hope! We’re working on it!). I’ve attended two FBF events (Atlanta and Orlando – the later of which I was a speaker), both have been some of the highlights of my food blogging career. The smaller nature of these one-day conferences (a hundred attendees vs. hundreds of attendees) make it much more personal and intimate. You come home feeling like you really got to know these people. Oh, and you learn stuff too. Because it is a conference, after all. You can look forward to informative sessions on food photography and styling, pr and working with brands, social media, and who knows what else. We’re super excited about this event and hope to see you there!!

2. I’m in print! L&OO got a nifty little shout out in this month’s HER Nashville magazine, along with Eat Drink Smile and Erin’s Food Files. Check it out, y’all (and thanks to the lovely ladies at Style Blueprint for the mention)!

HER Magazine Feature

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3. If you’re going through L&OO withdrawals, be sure to follow me on twitter. I check in there every so often (when I’m, um, procrastinating dealing with that mile-long to-do list). I’m also on Instagram (if you’re into that kind of thing). You may even get some sneak peeks of goodies for the upcoming cookbook. Ok, it’s mostly crazy cat pictures. But there may be something edible in there once in a while, too.

4. Cats. They need no introduction.

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  1. I Like you on Facebook – Holly C

  2. I am making frilled hawaiian chicken – (boneless thighs are are to find). Happy 4th everyone

  3. And I’m a fan on the Facebooks (Karen F.)! :)

  4. I’m making ratatouille this weekend! Actually, I might give in and make it tonight. And if I can find berries at the farmers’ market Saturday I’m going to make a cobbler, yum.

  5. I plan to make some yogurt and a blueberry peach cobbler. Then maybe some chocolate ice cream since hubby requested it and he did plant my new raspberry and blackberry plants for me.

  6. Well, since I’m just getting over food poisoning or a stomach bug, I’ll probably be sticking to toast and applesauce, but I know I’ve got cucumbers to use, so I’ll trust that my body won’t reject something fresh and summery like a summer Panzanella!
    Also, I LOVE that shot of the cat on the shelf. How much is that kit-ty in the windowwww….. and yes, of course, I’m a fan on Facebook! :)

  7. I’m not sure how much cooking I’m doing because we’re moving this weekend, but if I can get my kitchen un-packed I REALLY want to bake a pie

  8. I already like L&OO on facebook.

  9. I’m baking white chocolate peanut butter cookies!

  10. Grilling pork burgers and making homemade vanilla ice cream.

  11. I’m going to visit a college friend this weekend and we’re baking a rainbow cake together! Can’t wait!

  12. We’ll be grillin’ up some BBQ chicken and I think I’m going to try a rhubarb-strawberry pie :)

    Ps-I like L&OO on FB!

  13. Lots of food goig on this weekend…starting with a smoked brisket…ending with butterscotch bars…and lots of stuff in between.

  14. i’m making vanilla buttermilk cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!

  15. Lemon sugar pull-apart bread. I may or may not make two… one for me, one for… possible sharing?

  16. I tweeted! Sweet_Remedy

  17. I’m making a swiss chard quiche this weekend and maybe some cinnamon radish chips I saw on some blog somewhere out there. I will also be eating everything in sight! 3 day weekend hooray!

  18. Eggplant parm with lots of fresh basil!

  19. I like you on Facebook (Heather K.)

  20. i have some brown bananas, so that means it’s time for some banana bread!

  21. We are headed to the beach so lots and lots of seafood will be consumed!

  22. BBQ! Looking forward to firing up the grill this holiday weekend :)

  23. This weekend I plan on making two tomato, zucchini and mozzarella pies for my friends backyard BBQ. Really looking forward to trying out a savory pie recipe!

  24. I’m hoping to make something with the crab meat my husband brought home from his recent fishing trip!

  25. Strawberry-Rhubarb cobbler made with fresh Oregon strawberries and rhubarb picked from my yard. Mmmmm! I am a follower!

  26. I’ll be grilling up some fish – no better way to celebrate our country’s independence than wild-caught American fish!

  27. I’ve got visitors galore coming in so I’ll be cooking/baking tons (thankfully, much of it is already prepped/frozen). Tonight is chicken taquitos, sprout & corn salad, and peach shortcakes. Tomorrow tortellini-veg salad (inspired by 101 Cookbooks), spanakopita, and homemade ice cream. Can’t wait for the weekend to get started already! Thanks for hosting another fun contest :)

  28. I also follow you on FB. Marie T

  29. already a fan on fb Michele R.

  30. I will be in phoenix for a bachelorette party, so I’ll be eating lots of yummy Mexican food and drinking tasty drinks!

  31. I just made the homemade cheese recipe posted on Smitten Kitchen, and I think I will definitely be making more of it this weekend!

  32. I’ll be eating veggie burgers and making 4th of July cookies for my friends while I’m home from Paris!

    I follow you on twitter!

  33. I’m hoping to make black bean burgers this weekend!

  34. I “like” you on FB too.

  35. Last night I baked banana chocolate chip cookies to take with me on the road trip I’m about to embark on. Would love to try these chocolates!

  36. definitely going to be making coffee-rubbed burgers and homemade ice cream!

  37. I’m also a fan on facebook. :)

  38. Almond chocolate chip cookies! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  39. Probably cheesesteak sandwhiches. I’m pregnant and have been on a real cheesesteak kick recent. And strawberries. Those sound like a gross combination, I’m sure… but I bet it will be delicious. I’m glad to see you’re back, even if only temporarily. I don’t often comment, but I love to read your blog. I’m looking forward to your cookbook as well!

  40. Every 4th of July we make dozens of watermelon shaped cookies! And of course serve them on a watermelon shaped tray :)

  41. I will be grilling some veggies and chicken!

  42. I am a fan on FB.

  43. I am goining to make rhubarb bbq sauce and a rhubarb pie.

  44. I am going to try my hand at French macaroons. I went to France for the first time in March and fell in love with all French cooking but absolutely loved the macaroons. My mom found me a Macaroons cookbook for my birthday shortly after and I haven’t had a chance to make them until now but I can’t wait.

    Also, I am a fan on your facebook/twitter.

  45. I will be making a gigantic salad from homegrown greens. Yum!

  46. already a fan! also – these chocolates look amazing!!

  47. I think i will be snacking on homemade granola and yogurt and plan to cook all my veggies from my CSA delivery! can’t wait! salad turnips, swiss chard, carrots, radishes, 3 different kinds of lettuce greens! and some baked thing with blueberries!

  48. Cupcakes! And melon/prosciutto!

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