Love and Olive Oil

Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes

Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes

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It’s been over 3 years (that I can remember) since I’ve eaten cheesecake.

And I didn’t miss it at all. I don’t remember craving it. Yearning for it. Wanting to bake, order, or eat it. And I was fine with that; there were plenty of cookies and cupcakes to go around, I didn’t need cheesecake, right?

Wrong. This week, I got an inexplicable craving for cheesecake. Chocolate cheesecake. With ganache and raspberries. Maybe it was my mom talking about the mini chocolate cheesecakes she made for Valentine’s day. Or maybe it was, actually, that was definitely it. Let me start over. This week, I got an explicable craving for cheesecake. Thanks mom.

And so I decided, lactose be damned, I’m making cheesecake.

Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes

This particular recipe has always been a favorite of mine (back when, you know, I ate cheesecake on a regular basis). It’s incredibly simple, and the fact that it can easily be adapted to mini-cupcake size bites makes it a perfect pastry for parties. I went ahead and made the original, cupcake-size cakes, which just so happen to be a perfect single serving (and unlike the little guys, you’re not tempted to pop a few every time you walk by the fridge).

Cheesecake craving fulfilled. Stomach, please forgive me. It was totally worth it.

And remember! There is still one more day to enter the Chef’n Baking Tools Giveaway! Don’t miss out on your chance to enter a fabulous set of baking gadgets from Chef’n! Get your entry in before midnight tomorrow (Saturday) for your chance to win.

Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes

Makes 24 cupcake-size cheesecakes or approx. 60 mini cheesecakes

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For Crust:

1 1/2 cups vanilla wafer crumbs
6 tablespoons melted butter
6 tablespoons powdered sugar
6 tablespoons cocoa powder

For Filling:

1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
3 (8 oz.) packages cream cheese
14 oz. sweetened condensed milk
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

For Glaze:

2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
1 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla

1 pint fresh raspberries (optional)


Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Paper-line or spray with cooking spray 24 large muffin cups (or 60 mini muffin cups).

Stir together vanilla wafer crumbs, butter, sugar, and cocoa to make crust. Press 1 heaping tablespoonful of crumbs into bottom of each cup.

Stir together cocoa and meltedbutter. Beat in cream cheese until fluffy; beat in cocoa and butter mixture. Gradually mix in sweetened condensed milk; mix in eggs and vanilla and spoon into cups. Bake 35 minutes or until set. Cool.

Melt chocolate chips with whipping cream and vanilla. Stir until smooth. Spread over cooled cheesecakes and top with a raspberry (if desired). Refrigerate until set.

All images and text © / Love & Olive Oil

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  1. I am planning on making these delicious looking treats for my sister’s engagement party! I was planning on making them today for a party tomorrow, and had some questions on execution of them in the mini form. A) How long should they cook if I am doing the mini”s? and B) For the best presentation, should i wait and do the ganache and rasperry tomorrow, or can i do the ganache today and put the raspberries on tomorrow? Help what do you think would be best!!


  2. I made these yesterday and they are absolutely fantastic!
    I think next time I’m going to try to make plain ones and see how those turn out.
    Any suggestions?

  3. Can I have one… or two ?

  4. very very pretty adorable mini chocolate cheesecakes. i have made cheesecakes before but have never eaten or made chocolate cheesecake. i am not very fond of cheesecakes but with the addition of chocolate and the mini size, i think i might just give these a try:)

  5. Thanks for the recipe! I WAS on the lookout for a good chocolate cheesecake recipe that lends itself well to mini sizes. :)

  6. Ohh this is heavenly… and its so pretty! I actually may not eat this because its to pretty to cut in to…

  7. You’re welcome!!!!
    And thanks for helping me relocate that recipe when I needed it for Valentine’s Day! Love, Mom

  8. I’m also trying to cut down my lactose intake but these don’t help. I’m pretty sure I’ll be craving these come tomorrow morning! I love that they are cupcake size too.

  9. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten chocolate cheesecake. I think I know how to fix that problem now!

  10. its like you took my brain apart from this last week, I have been crazing chocolate cheesecake hehe

    I’ll definitely be using this recipe xD

  11. Oh what I would give to have cheesecake again – especially chocolate with a raspberry on top, my favorite!! But thanks to my severe allergy to lactose I feel sick just looking at this picture :(

    But I have to say thank-you for making dairy-free cupcakes because now I get to have delicious treats again! And I also must add that your go-to chocolate cupcakes are to die for!!!!

  12. These look absolutely gorgeous. Why do raspberries always pair perfectly with chocolatey desserts? Now, I have a craving too. Darnit.

  13. Look at those, they are so cute! And I bet they are delicious. I’ve never tried to make chocolate cheesecake, but it sounds like the perfect dessert since I love chocolate and cheesecake is one of the few desserts I like!

  14. These look so pretty and delicious. I have to make them. Thanks for sharing.

  15. this looks fantastic. I love the size of it, too! I just bought two mini springform pans, so I’ll be sure to try this out.

  16. Holy cow! Those look amazing!!! :)

  17. I think I’m drooling :)
    It looks fabulous! What a way to welcome cheesecake back into your life!
    Great job.

  18. That’s adorable! That is also one hell of a cross-section; I would have had one very smooshed raspberry. You reminded me that I haven’t had cheesecake in awhile either.

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