Save this recipe for later!
A huge congratulations to Kate from DC! She’s the lucky winner of the Olive & Sinclair Artisan Chocolate sampler. Out of an astonishing 275 entries, her comment was randomly selected to win. Kate will be receiving 4 bars of our favorite O&S bars, including the exclusive (not yet available in stores) Mexican-style Cinnamon Chili. She is one lucky lady!
Didn’t win? Want to order some for yourself? Olive & Sinclair will ship their artisan chocolate bars directly to you! Simply shoot them an email through their website or blog to order. Tell them Lindsay sent you. :) I would strongly suggest you try their Salt & Pepper, Sea Salt, and the Mexican Cinnamon Chili (which should be available any day now). They also have 67% Dark, 75% Super Dark, Cocoa Nib, and Coffee Bean flavors, which are unbelievably delicious as well (believe us – we’ve tried them ALL).
Thanks to everyone who entered! And seeing as how successful this giveaway was, who knows, maybe we’ll just have to do another one again soon!
Thanks again! I’ve got to say – these were delicious and are, of course, already gone. :)
Hurrah kate! Wanna share? (hee hee)
Congrats Kate!