Love and Olive Oil
Let There be Light: Master Bedroom Reveal

Let There be Light: Master Bedroom Reveal

Now that you’ve seen the kitchen… let’s take a peek upstairs, shall we? Because the kitchen wasn’t the only thing we redid.

Granted, other than the floors (goodbye gross dog-stained carpet) the changes are mostly cosmetic. But it still makes a huge difference when you compare what it looked like before…

Townhouse Renovation - Master Bedroom Before/After

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Of course, more big blank walls that still need art…

Patience, grasshopper, patience.

Bedroom bedside table: Hers

We may still be lacking in the big art department (that’s an investment I’m not willing to rush into), but these two small pieces that we hung above our nightstands delight me to no end. Our designer pointed us to local artist Ed Nash for these original pieces, which were reasonably priced and a great way to get some original art into our lives in an affordable way. They go perfectly above the nightstands, one for him, and one for her (the ‘her’ version having a little more hot pink in the mix, love it!)

Bedroom bedside table: Hers

I love that the nightstands are crazy cat lady themed (or, for Taylor’s side, crazy cat guy). You know you have a great designer when she shows up with multiple cat-themed books round out your collection and pretty-up your bedside tables. Especially when she herself is allergic. That’s a good friend right there. ;)

Townhouse Renovation: Master Bedroom

Crazy cat themed bedroom is crazy cat approved.

Bedroom bedside table: His side

The very first thing we picked out for this room were these Cylinder Telescoping Wall Lights from Rejuvenation. I saw them on Pinterest and fell instantly in love, and they are what prompted me to reach out to Rejuvenation to begin with (because, why not, right?) It was quite possibly the easiest decision we made during the entire process. I mean, I can’t tell you how long it took us to pick out the nightstands, or the bed… or even the bedding (which I adore, btw, shouldn’t have even thought twice about it).

Rejuvenation Cylinder Telescoping Wall Light

I was hesitant at first about the brass, considering everything else in the house is stainless, chrome, or raw metal. But it works, especially in the bedroom where it definitely helps to warm things up a bit.

(Be sure to click through for a chance to win a $200 Rejuvenation gift card!)

And you know what I’ve learned throughout this whole process? Mixing metals (or woods, for that matter) isn’t a bad thing, and in fact it helps a space feel more eclectic, a space that’s been collected over time. Not everything has to match, and in fact it’s probably better if it doesn’t.

Bedroom bedside table: Hers Townhouse Renovation: Master Bedroom

I can’t tell you enough how much I love this room. Not only do we now have a window (I know, it seems like a given, but our old bedroom was a cave with no windows. Perfect for sleeping but horrible for ever waking up) but we also have more space and room to breathe and reading lights (also another thing that should be but isn’t necessarily a given).

Our old bedroom was just that, a bedroom, but this room actually feels like a master bedroom.

Sources (for those interested):

(Rejuvenation generously provided products for this renovation. Know that all opinions expressed are purely my own, and these are products I would have purchased regardless of any partnership affiliation. Some affiliate links below.)

Industrial Wall Brackets and White Open Shelves from Rejuvenation

You’ll also recall the open shelving from downstairs, both in the kitchen and living room. That’s all Rejuvenation, both Industrial Iron Shelf Brackets and White Lacquered Shelving. They are super heavy duty and we don’t worry whatsoever about putting heavy stuff on them or chipping the finish.

Rejuvenation LED Filament Light Bulbs

The other place you’ll spot Rejuvenation in our home is in the dining room, and these LED Filament bulbs. I love the look of old fashioned Edison-style filament bulbs; with all these retro and industrial light fixtures available now they seem to be a requirement. But, despite the cool factor, they are wildly inefficient. Seeing as we replaced just about every other bulb in our house with energy efficient LED bulbs, I was beyond excited to see an LED filament bulb available from Rejuvenation, which worked perfectly in an exposed situation like our dining room light fixture.

The fine print: This post is sponsored by Rejuvenation. As always, all opinions are our own. No purchase necessary. Giveaway open to residents of the US and Canada only. Void where prohibited. Winner will have 48 hours to respond otherwise an alternate winner will be chosen. Bonus entry requirements will be verified if selected as the winner, otherwise an alternate winner will be chosen.

There may be affiliate links in this post. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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  1. I need lighting for my quilt studio – I like Cypress wall sconce options! Thank you for the giveaway! paulamb at shaw dot ca

  2. I liked both on Facebook brknopf

  3. I followed on Instagram brknopf

  4. I signed up for email updates and newsletter

  5. Cylinder floor lamp for sure!

  6. I liked both on Facebook under Stacey Roberson

  7. I followed both on Instagram @cvillemommyof3

  8. I am subscribed to Love & Olive Oil via email.

  9. I’m in need of some new window treatments, so I would get the Oat Linen/ Cotton Drapery Panel.

  10. i love the side table and night stands

  11. Last but not least, I like both Love & Olive Oil and Rejuvenation on Facebook as Anne Other.

  12. I follow both Love & Olive Oil and Rejuvenation on Instagram as notheranneother.

  13. I’m an email subscriber to Love  & Olive Oil, which is how I first saw this post.

  14. After spending too much time browsing through the Rejuvenation website, I found I kept going back to the Vornado fans. If I’m your lucky winner, I’ll probably choose the Large Vornado V-Fan, in the pretty red color. Love it!

  15. Following in IG: @planningforparis_erin

  16. Following on Facebook! Erin Johnson

  17. Love the Grandview single sconce!

  18. I love the mix and match chairs idea. But my favorite is the 50 drawer hardware cabinet. Thanks!

  19. So much too wish for. The teak bowl is calling my name

  20. I would get some of the filament bulbs, especially the 60W G200 OVERSIZED FILAMENT BULB to make a cluster of hanging lights with braided jumbo yarn or macrame covering the wires.

    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

  21. Would love to put that toward a cozy leather chair!

  22. I follow/like rejuvenation lighting and houseparts on facebook

  23. I follow/like Love & Olive Oil on Facebook

  24. I Subscribe to Love & Olive Oil via email

  25. I’d purchase the Teak & Brass Tree Stand for our Christmas Tree

  26. Beautiful kitchen and bedroom! I bet it’s so refreshing to have your place the way you’ve always envisioned! That’s so interesting that you’re displaying art from a local artist. I’m currently spending a month in Nashville for a student rotation at Vandy and wanted to buy some art work to take home (I’m also in search of awesome wall art!) If you don’t mind me asking, how did you purchase your pieces? Did the artist have a gallery showing where you could purchase? I briefly toured his website and didn’t come across purchasing info. Thanks in advance for your help!


  28. Definitely would get the Pacifica Wall Sconce!!

  29. Christine Murray (facebook)

  30. christinemelodymurray (instagram)

  31. I subscribed. Thank you

  32. Boyce Leather Chair Item # D0805

  33. I love everything at Rejuvenation, but I especially love the Eastmoreland pendants with the edison light bulbs. I really like like your kitchen remodel with the white and aqua, so pretty.

  34. I like both Love & Olive Oil and Rejuvenation on Facebook (Colleen Boudreau)

  35. I follow both Love & Olive Oil and Rejuvenation on Instagram (collifornia)

  36. I subscribed via email!
    holliister at gmail dot com

  37. I would get the 40 GLOBE STRING LIGHTS.
    holliister at gmail dot com

  38. I follow you both on FB as Rose Schmidt.

  39. I follow you both on instagram as @rusthawk1.

  40. I am one of your email subscribers.

  41. I would really enjoy having the ADJUSTABLE LED TASK LAMP Item # A8001 for hand sewing/croceheting and reading.

  42. I follow on Facebook! christina.purvis.31

  43. I follow both on twitter- @purviscs

  44. I’m subscribed to L&OO by email for new posts and updates.

  45. I subscribed by email!

  46. I liked both of you on FB (Karen Anderson)

  47. I love the Brightwood Pendant! It would look nice in our kitchen. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  48. I would buy the PAIR OF ISA INTERNATIONAL INC DECO STYLE STOOLS C1970’S Item # F0622. I love them!

  49. Liked you both on Facebook. user name: Amy Tong

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  50. Following both in Instagram! User name: AmyTong_

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