Love and Olive Oil

5 Things for Thursday

Is it really Thursday? As in, almost Friday? Really? I actually have no idea what day it is because my internal (external, and upside-downternal) clocks are all out of whack. Back to back trips with delayed connections, multiple time zones, and to-do lists as long as the TSA security line will do that do you. Oy vey.

But I want you to know that just because I don’t have a recipe for you doesn’t mean I can’t post something. In fact, I have some stuff to tell you. Five things, in fact.

1. Food Blog Forum is coming to Nashville on October 8th! Mark your calendars! Save the date! I’ll remind you again (and probably a few more times after that), once registration for the event is up and running (soon, I hope! We’re working on it!). I’ve attended two FBF events (Atlanta and Orlando – the later of which I was a speaker), both have been some of the highlights of my food blogging career. The smaller nature of these one-day conferences (a hundred attendees vs. hundreds of attendees) make it much more personal and intimate. You come home feeling like you really got to know these people. Oh, and you learn stuff too. Because it is a conference, after all. You can look forward to informative sessions on food photography and styling, pr and working with brands, social media, and who knows what else. We’re super excited about this event and hope to see you there!!

2. I’m in print! L&OO got a nifty little shout out in this month’s HER Nashville magazine, along with Eat Drink Smile and Erin’s Food Files. Check it out, y’all (and thanks to the lovely ladies at Style Blueprint for the mention)!

HER Magazine Feature

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3. If you’re going through L&OO withdrawals, be sure to follow me on twitter. I check in there every so often (when I’m, um, procrastinating dealing with that mile-long to-do list). I’m also on Instagram (if you’re into that kind of thing). You may even get some sneak peeks of goodies for the upcoming cookbook. Ok, it’s mostly crazy cat pictures. But there may be something edible in there once in a while, too.

4. Cats. They need no introduction.

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  1. Graham cookies and sweet potato salad.

  2. a red white and blue trifle!

  3. I will be making margarita pizza and hopefully some delicious blueberry cobbler bites!

  4. I’ll be cooking Tempeh-Quinoa Burgers for my vegan brother, I hope they turn out ok!

  5. It’s super hot here this weekend, and we don’t have A/C, so we will be grilling – brats, italians, hamburgers, chicken, you name it!

  6. This weekend I’m going to make a red velvet cake decorated with blueberries and raspberries to look like an American flag…in keeping with it being 4th of July and all :)

  7. I think I’ll be making blueberry compote. I’ll definitely be buying and devouring the cupcake sundae from Philly Cupcake!

  8. I like you on Facebook!

  9. I’m making mint chocolate ice cream! I have my mint steeping in cream right now! :)

  10. Tweeted the giveaway: @LostNCheeseland !

  11. I don’t have definite plans yet on what to make this weekend, but I’d like to make ice cream and three delicious breakfasts, one for each day I don’t have to work!

  12. I’m going to be a busy bee this weekend.

    Tonight I’m making something with ripe bananas for a company picnic.

    I’m also going to make a homemade funfetti cake to practice my cake baking/decorating skills.

    After that, we’ll see what my mom wants to eat when she visits! (I wish that I had a grill!)

    I already like you on facebook. I’m also going to tweet in about 2 seconds at @meghquinn. :)

  13. This weekend I’ll be making my jalapeno popper dip and going to pour vodka into a watermelon. ;)

  14. weekend eats include grilled corn and burgers!

  15. Red, white, and blue candy bars!

  16. I will be grilling fresh Mahi!

  17. Kabobs and cous-cous and rhubarb crumble and cinnamon pull-apart bread and…weekends hold a lot of possibilities! ;)

  18. Turkey burgers & perhaps a Tres Leches cake!

  19. Dark chocolate cranberry cookies!

  20. I’m baking peanut butter and jelly bars, and helping Dad man the grill!

  21. I am baking a red white and blue pie that I found from pampered chef.

  22. Probably some potato salad, goes well with moving to a different house and a summer holiday weekend.

  23. I am making beer bread. Again. Yum!

  24. I’m also a fan on Facebook!

  25. ack! haven’t decided yet.

  26. Some friends are planning a BBQ for the 4th, and I might bring some delicious corn & avocado dip or just some fresh corn on the cob to grill up and then cover in butter. Either way, it’ll be a delicious 4th!

  27. I’m also a facebook fan :)

  28. We are attending a 4th of July brunch, so I’m making baked french toast & Eggies in a Basket.

  29. This weekend I’ll be trying to eat as much salad as possible, likely. I got loaded up with salad mix from my farm-share this week and I’m trying really hard not to waste anything. I’ve also got a beautiful looking kohlrabi and fennel in the crisper. As for more exciting eats, my parents will likely be coming to visit me on Sunday and we’ll got out for some extravagant and gourmet sushi dinner. Noms.

  30. I will be baking brownies, eating sushi and trying at least one new recipe.

    This is a fabulous giveaway!

  31. I’m making apps and desserts for the weekend. Pinwheels, assorted cheese tray, plus puppy chow and cheesecake with berries. My husband will be smoking racks of ribs- yummy! Plus we just got back from the Chesapeake Bay with fresh crab meat so crab cakes are on the menu as well (I’m from Iowa).
    I am also a fan/like of your FB page as well (Sarah S.)


  33. I’m baking peanut butter oatmeal choc chip cookies, a spicy pumpkin soup with cilantro pepita pesto and tilapia with escarole and lemon pepper oil.

  34. I’ll be baking Blackberry-Almond Bread for my dad, and making Blueberry-Lime Iced Tea as our refreshing, cold beverage for our cookout. Yum!

  35. I’ll be making veggie omelets, pork rind crusted chicken fingers and burgers–I recently started the paleo diet and am thrilled to eat berries and meat off the grill this weekend!

  36. This weekend I’m hosting a bbq and we’re making burgers, sausage, grilled veggies, baked beans, mac-n-cheese, plenty of dips and my angel food cake with pineapple whipped cream!

  37. I like you on FB!

  38. Hopefully, cherry, cheesecake brownies – if the weather cooperates!

  39. I just posted about some Caramel Apple Cookies I made, which reminded me I’ve been craving an Apple Buttermilk Pie. It just made the list for this weekend :)

  40. Like you on FB!!

  41. I’ll probably be making some banana bread! As usual, I have a few too many ripe bananas.

  42. blueberry and peach buckle! yum!

  43. Those look amazing but I haven’t been able to find an ingredients list anywhere. Are they vegan? If so I would love to try them, vegan truffles are incredibly hard to find and are quite expensive.

    This weekend I’m going to make a plain ol’ vanilla cake but deck it out with strawberries and blueberries. Hopefully the farmers’ market will have some good treats for me to can but fruits aren’t terribly in season in Boston yet.

    • Alyssa – looking at the back of the box it does have powdered milk listed as an ingredient in the filling. So no, not vegan, apparently. :(

  44. BBQ’ing flank steak and a few kabobs. Thinking fruit kabobs sound good for a hot weekend!!

  45. I will be making some ribs and pasta salad. And probably some grilled corn on the cob.

  46. I’m going to make devilled eggs for a 4th of july bbq!

  47. And last, but not least, the twitterssss post – foodisagoodthng

  48. I’m making (for the second time in two weeks) a delicious variation of the 1950’s Nabisco Chocolate cookie wafer/whipped cream cake ( My version uses store bought chocolate chip cookies and Cool whip. Layer, freeze, and slice (frozen). Taste like an ice cream cake but little lighter and a hit with old and young tasters! I made this for a meet and greet at our church and it’s been highly requested for our Church 4th of July Celebration!

    I also Like Love & Olive Oil on Facebook!!

  49. I like you on FB :) Natalie W.

  50. i like you on facebook!

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