First of all, can I just reiterate how much you all rock? Seriously. Not only did you massively support my Blood Orange Cupcakes in the February Cupcake Hero (Whoohoo! We won the vote! Now cross your fingers my cupcakes hold their own in the throwdown!), but you also wrote some of the nicest, most heartwarming things in response to our 3rd birthday post last week. I’ve read each and every one of your comments… and I swear I’ll have to print them out and save them all for a day when I’m feeling down. It’s the reason I do this and the reason it brings joy to my life. Thank you so much for your kind words. Truly going to do my best to live up to your expectations. :)
Would you believe that this is the first weekend that I did NOT bake anything? Ok, maybe I baked a box of brownies for Taylor. But that doesn’t count.
But I have an excuse, I promise:
Save this recipe for later!
His name is Sgt. Pepper… the newest addition to our family. We adopted him this past week (as those of you who follow me on Twitter are well aware), and needless to say he has stolen our hearts (and our full attention). I’m sure he’ll grow into those ears eventually.
I’ve got a couple recipes in the backlog I’ll post for you guys this week, and I promise, next weekend I’ll get back to baking, whip up something good. :)
Anyway… I’m sure you’re all wondering WHO won the adorable cupcake notebooks. Well, a HUGE congratulations goes out to Rebecca and Rebecca (yes, what are the chances that both winners would be named Rebecca?), each of whom will be receiving a set of two (one large, one small) cupcake notebooks.
Didn’t win? Because the response to this giveaway was so positive, I’ve decided to go ahead and offer a limited run of these notebooks for sale. Only $12 for a set of two (plus $3 for shipping within the US, international folks email me for a shipping estimate). If you’re interested, please get in touch with your shipping info, paypal email address, and color choices (hot pink or turquoise, or one of each). First-come, first-serve, as I only have a limited number of blank notebooks on hand. I’ll likely be offering them for sale again – whether it be through an Etsy store or just here on the blog, and hopefully expand to include a few more ‘sweet’ designs and color options as well.
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway! I will tell you now I have another giveaway lined up in the coming weeks that you’re sure to love, so stay tuned!
Adorable! I love the white paw. So cuddly!
So do I, Jacqueline, I hear ya’!
Embee has a new cousin!!!!
Oh my gosh your kitten is ADORABLE! And I love the name, too cute. We have 4 cats and I promised my husband and friends to not get any more lest I truly become a crazy cat lady, but yours makes me get the itch for a kitten. I will ignore it though. But seeing cute kitties get adopted makes me smile nonetheless, especially if it’s not by me! LOL.
Sgt. Pepper is an adorable name for him!
The food blogging, kitty owning life is a good one! :)
What an absolute darling!! I would love to have a kitten again but with our two geriatric old darlings it’s not a smart thing to do at this point (our cats are 20 and 18 years respectively) But he looks like a little devil; so I am sure you will have your hands full!
congrats on the new tux! he’s adorable!
Congratulations on your new kitten! He is sooooo handsome with those precious white mitts. Enjoy your time with the little guy. I know Kitty will come around! :-)
Hi Angie!
We adopted him from a local adoption center that focuses on taking in litters of unwanted kittens and puppies. He was the last left out of 7 siblings, why no one else wanted him is beyond me!
We’ve been taking the introduction to Kitty very slowly. We locked him in the bedroom for a few days, switched out some of Kitty’s blankets and toys, so they could both get used to the scent of each other. Then we let them meet face to face (with him in the cat carrier). As of now they can interact under careful supervision. Still quite a bit of hissing and swatting each other, but it’s slowly getting better. We’re very happy with how it has been going so far, since Kitty is such a diva (and has been a spoiled only-child for her whole life), we’re proud of her for at least tolerating him. hehe.
I have a cat named Sgt. Pepper…as well as one named Maxwell and one named Prudence!
Tell us more, where and why did you decide to adopt him? I don’t follow Twitter so you may have it on there. How is your other kitty taking it?
Congrats on the cupcake vote!!! We did it!!!
what a cute kitty! that nose!
Sgt. Pepper’s adorable!
I would just sit around and cuddle him all day long- life can wait :D
aww, my kitty is named sgt. pepper! he is an orange tabby, and goes by Sarge :) and a couple other cheesy nicknames. congrats!
Congratulations on your lovely new kitten! They grow-up so fast. Take as many pictures and videos now as you can. They’re so much fun to watch later on.
Oh Sgt. Pepper is such an adorable kitty! What can I say, black and white kitties always have my heart. :]
He is absolutely wonderful! I so miss having a cat. I feel very tempted seeing that wee cutie.
ohh what a precious little face!! I have a super soft spot for tuxedos since my kitty is one. He had the same gorgeous jade-colored eyes as little Sgt Pepper when he was a wee one (they’ve since lightened, but are still gorgeous as of course is all the rest of his handsome 13 lb self) ;) Congrats on the new addition to the Love & Olive Oil family!
Congrats on your new kitten!
When I first moved to a new house with my kitten, she didn’t enjoy it so much and started running off with things from our kitchen. Usually she just takes pot holders and hides them under the bed, but there are reasons the silicone spatula has kitten bite marks in it. :)
Hope your kitten is just as much fun and a little less eager than mine is to help with the dishes!
THANKS SO MUCH! You are so sweet :) Congrats on the Cupcake Hero votes!
Squeeeeee! Kitten! Love him, love him! We just brought a tuxedo kitty home a couple of months ago, too. He’s a menace and loves to lick the icing off of cakes. Keep an eye on Sgt. Pepper, I hear it runs in the tuxedo boy kitty genes.
Awww. Sgt Pepper is positively adorable. And so are those notebooks!
Congrats to both Rebeccas!!