Love and Olive Oil

A Little Fate, a Lot of Cookie Dough

I’m a big proponent of free will, but some things were just meant to be.

My mom spent much of the summer going through boxes full of stuff. Memories, sure, probably a lot of junk too. And every few weeks I’d get a little package of things she thought I might want.

Inside one of them was a cookbook. A ragged little thing with a hand-drawn cartoon chef on the front. I believe his name was Barnabe. A cookbook that I wrote when I was maybe 9 years old. Well, maybe wrote is a bit of an exaggeration, I should probably say copied from my mom’s recipe collection (clearly, I was not destined to be an intellectual property attorney). A cookbook author, though? Just might be fate.

the Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook

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I am so excited to finally announce that my book, The Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbook, will be published by Quirk Books this coming June. June 5th, to be exact. That’s less than 5 months away.

What’s extra fitting is that today, January 11th, just so happens to be the 2 year anniversary of the Cookie Dough Truffles. The post that, to this day, continues to be one of the most popular posts on the blog. The post that started it all. I couldn’t think of a more perfect day to share this with all of you.

Let’s rewind.

I never thought I’d write a cookbook. In fact, I consciously remember thinking I DIDN’T want to write one. That was the case until this bug of an idea crept into my head one day. At that point I’d taken the cookie dough theme farther than just the truffles, with Cookie Dough Stuffed Cupcakes, Cookie Dough Ice Cream and the oh-so-decadent Cookie Dough Cream Pie. I thought, there really needs to be an entire cookbook of cookie dough recipes. Someone should… oh. Maybe I should write one.

And so I did.

Well, it wasn’t quite that simple.

I made a lot of messes.

Our house looked like a makeshift photo studio for weeks on end.

Even the cats helped out.

Once all the recipes were written, recipes like Cookie Dough Stuffed French Toast and Cookie Dough Creme Brulee (oh yes I did!), there was still months of editing. Back and forth and nitpicking and double checking and retesting. I think I underestimated (or was in denial about) just how much work really went into a cookbook. But I did it. I got it done. Thanks in part to the wonderful team at Quirk. And I couldn’t be more happy with the final product.

The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook

The book is filled with 45 delicious cookie dough recipes, plus plenty of variations on top of that. All raw-egg-free and perfectly safe to eat (not that eggs ever stopped any of us from eating the dough before, but that’s beside the point). Take that salmonella.

And while you can’t hold it in your cookie-dough-loving hands for another few months, you can preorder it today. Yep, I’m on Amazon. Never thought that would happen, either.

I don’t really know what happens now… I wait, I guess. And hope for the best. This whole process is so new to me and I’m just grateful I was able to experience it. And will continue to experience it as we reach each milestone. I really, honest to goodness, can’t wait to simply hold it in my hands for the first time.

Baby Lindsay with Cookie Dough

Clearly, it was meant to be.

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  1. Congratulations, Lindsay! So proud of you and can’t wait to get this book! Will you sign it for me? ;-) I sent a link of this post to my sister. She loves to bake and has a tough time waiting for the cookie dough to bake. I bet she’ll go to town on your Cookie Dough Truffles. Great job!!

  2. So glad I came across your site! Beautiful photos. <3

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is such a blessing to be having your own cookbook published.

  4. Congratulations! I love bloggers with cats. Cats make everything more special :)

  5. Congratulations Lindsay! I love cookie dough, can’t wait to see the book!

  6. What a beautiful cookbook! Everything looks absolutely perfect and delicious! Congrats!! xo

  7. Congrats on your book! It looks beautiful, the pictures are making me want cookie dough right now! I can’t wait to add it to my cookbook collection!

  8. This is truly a thing of beauty!

  9. Congrats Lindsay! Super super exciting! I already know the prefect person to gift this to :-) (in addition to myself, ha!)

  10. you know – I have almost the same pic of me but a little different – and yours is much better composed!

    I can’t wait for this cookbook – it sounds ahhhmazing!

  11. Congrats….I am so excited for you! I preordered 2 of them…one for me of course…and one for my BFF! I can’t wait to get these to start baking…yummy!

  12. Congratulations! Looks incredible and d-eeeee-licious!

  13. I learned of your website from…you had my heart at “cookie dough stuffed French toast.” I must, I must order this book and have that recipe! :)

  14. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it!

  15. AWESOME!!! This will be a HUGE success!!!! I know this because I, too, have a cookie dough post that does very well on my blog.

    Can’t wait to see the book and try your recipes! :D

  16. Adorable photo! I’m already drooling over your book. It will be on my wishlist NOW!

  17. This is so very cool! I pre-ordered my copy yesterday; you can’t go wrong with cookie dough!

  18. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! YAY!!

  19. congratulations!!! looks very delicious!

  20. This is beyond awesome. I am definitely looking forward to this.

  21. This is perfect! I have a friend getting married this summer and their thing is cookie dough. This is going to be the perfect gift!

  22. Congrats on the cookbook! I’m excited for it to come out. Also, happy that my kitchen isn’t the only one that becomes an utter disaster when cooking. ;)

  23. LOVE the cover. And a huge congrats on all your success! I’m a new reader (and recent Nashville transplant) and am excited to pick up a copy when it comes out.

  24. What a beautiful looking book! Congratulations! Umm, preordered :)

  25. Congratulations!! I love getting your updates in my email. Your photos are always so beautiful and your food looks amazing! My coworker would probably love to have your book. Perhaps a birthday gift.. =)

  26. WOW! Congrats. All your hard work paid off. I cannot wait to see the book. Your pictures are fabulous. I never even thought about how much the pictures matter in a cookbook. They are almost as important as the recipes! Great job.

  27. Congratulations! Your photography is gorgeous. Good luck with your book, and I hope it’s a runaway success! :)

  28. Congratulations!! I’ve always thought you should write a recipe book and what other theme could it be but cookie dough? :-) All those photos look utterly gorgeous and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

  29. That’s so amazing!! Congratulations on finishing the book and I can so imagine you would want to hold it in yr hands. I’m definitely ordering!!

  30. Congratulations…what a testament to your hard work! The photos look gorgeous too!

  31. Congratulations! That is awesome! I’ll be sure to buy your book!

  32. Congratulations!!!!! The photos are amazing. I’m so happy for you.

  33. This is awesome, Lindsay, congratulations! The book looks amazing. Can’t wait to see it in real life and try some of those delicious treats!

  34. Congratulations!!! The topic is so relevant and perfect for you. As my “adopt a blogger” mentor, when I asked what increased your traffic, you said to me it was your chocolate covered cookie dough truffles. You said it perfectly in your blog post and the idea for this cookbook was certainly meant to be. I will be ordering a copy of this book – my only wish would be to have you autograph it. :-) Really enjoyed your post and your redesign of your website is super great! Have a nice evening!!

  35. I love your recipes and cannot wait to get the book. I just ordered two so that my newly-wed daughter (the biggest cookie-dough lover I know) won’t steal mine. Congratulations!!

  36. Congratulations! I’m so into this cookbook idea :) And I love, love, love the behind the scenes info and mess pictures!

  37. I loved being a tester! Until I gained 10 pounds… Would have tested more, but couldn’t afford a whole new wardrobe. All my pals are getting this book for all birthdays and holidays in 2012. Let me know when I can pre-order!!!!

  38. This is a beautiful accomplishment! Congratulations! I very much look forward to indulging in your recipes.

  39. Yay! I’m so excited!!! I can’t wait, as I know a handful of those recipes are delicious, from personal experience! ;) I love seeing your photos too!

    PS. Looks like our “babies” will arrive at almost exactly the same time! Except your baby is a book, and mine is a human.

    PS (again). You know who to talk to to book a segment on Talk of the Town!

  40. P.S. Love the new look :)

  41. Girl, that’s your book?? I kid you not, I was on Pinterest an hour ago and re-pinned it. I didn’t look at the cover too closely (obviously) or I would have noticed your name on the front. Congrats!!

  42. Congratulations!!!

  43. Woo hoo Lindsay! I can’t wait to see it, especially the creme brulee.

  44. I’m so excited for you!! Congrats!

  45. Amazing. And clearly meant to be from the get go. Congrats!!!!

  46. You, my dear, are a rock star! What a project! Can’t wait to put it to good use. Congratulations.

  47. This is amazing!! Congratulations, Lindsay!! I can’t wait to read the book. And your photos, as always, are gorgeous.

  48. I cannot (cannot, cannot, CANNOT!) wait for this cookbook! I am an absolute addict of cookie dough and it is as if you made this book just for me! :) I have made your Cookie Dough Cream Pie countless times and it always is a huge crowd pleaser/wower – I’ll be honest…it always steals the show. Again, I could not be more excited! Congratulations! And, um, even though perhaps it’s a bit early to talk about writing a second cookbook (is it?), I vote for a part two, if you’re up for it! Yes, I love cookie dough that much! :)

  49. Congrats – I can’t wait to check it out!

  50. Congrats!! The cookbook looks mouthwatering in every way. As a gigantic fan of cookie dough, I will without a doubt be enjoying it thoroughly.

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