Love and Olive Oil

Quick Breakfast Idea: Passion Fruit Greek Yogurt with Cashews and Honey

Quick Breakfast Idea: Passion Fruit Greek Yogurt with Cashews and Honey

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I’m not a breakfast person (says the girl who wrote the Breakfast for Dinner cookbook). Or, rather, I should say, I’m not a morning person. Indeed, in the mornings I really don’t want to eat (or spend time to make) anything overly fancy. But I do need to eat something, otherwise around 9 o’clock I start to get shaky and downright cranky.

Usually breakfast for me means cereal or frozen waffles. Maybe a yogurt occasionally, though I find I need copious amounts of granola or other crunchy stuff to be able to choke it down.

Which is why this breakfast, thrown together with the last remnants of my passion fruit stash, is so perfect.

Creamy yogurt. Tangy passion fruit. Sweet honey. And the added crunch from the cashews and the passion fruit seeds. Sure, it’s practically a non-recipe recipe, but I thought it was worth sharing regardless.

Quick Breakfast Idea: Passion Fruit Greek Yogurt with Cashews and Honey

Unless you make a habit out of eating sour patch kids for breakfast, the yogurt and the passion fruit together are almost too tangy to handle. Although it’ll shock you awake, that’s for sure. The sweetness of the honey and the smooth nuttiness of the cashews, however, provide the perfect contrast to offset the sourness.

The inside of a passion fruit

On another note, passion fruits are weird. Seriously. Look at that. To me it looks like something out of the Matrix (remember when Neo wakes up in that goopy pod thing with plugs all over his body? Yeah. Exactly). That or an alien egg or something. Creepy.

Passion Fruit Greek Yogurt with Cashews and Honey

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  • fresh passion fruit
  • greek yogurt
  • toasted cashews
  • honey


  1. Scoop pulp out of passionfruit. Swirl into greek yogurt and top with cashews and a drizzle of honey.
All images and text © / Love & Olive Oil

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  1. So easy and so delicious looking.  I usually  mix frozen fruit with my greek yogurt…and top it with my granola…you  just gave me a whole new idea with the nuts and honey.  I am not so sure about passion fruit, but will try it.  I tried persimmons and they were surprisingly good for a fruit that looks tomato-ish…!  You can’t judge a fruit by its cover!  I eat breakfast late…usually 10 or so…I workout first after coffee…so that is my breakfast time now. Prefer the standard breakfast of eggs, pancakes, grits and bacon or biscuits and sausage gravy in the evening. 

  2. I love yogurt parfaits like this!  The cashews are a nice addition – I love  a good crunch with my yogurt!

  3. Where in the world did you find fresh passion fruit??!?  I search high and low and can never find them anywhere!

  4. Not really a recipe indeed, but an inspiration post :) That’s what I like to call this type of posts  on my own blog. I like the combination of the ingredients  in this breakfast! 

  5. I’m with you. Yogurt is NOT my jam when it comes to breakfast foods. I’m so happy I have your Breakfast for Dinner cookbook because I don’t know what else I’d do with myself. 

  6. I’m very much a creature of habit with breakfast mainly for the reason I don’t feel I *function properly until lunchtime!! Before that, I’m a walking robot!

  7. Simple and delicious – just how I like my breakfasts. I’m not a morning person either, but like you I KNOW that I need to eat breakfast or suffer the consequences :)
    Thank you for sharing this non-recipe recipe! Creepy alien egg or not, I loves me some fresh passinfruit!

  8. Quick and delicious looking! Love!

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