Pear, Arugula, and Pancetta Salad
A quick and flavorful salad. A nice change from the normal romaine & crouton mix. Plus the pears right now are just delicious, why not...
A quick and flavorful salad. A nice change from the normal romaine & crouton mix. Plus the pears right now are just delicious, why not...
Yes, it is a week after Thanksgiving and we are STILL eating leftovers. We only have one more bag of turkey in the freezer and...
You know you found a good use for your turkey leftovers when the meal is good enough that you’d make it again some other time...
Well, now that I’m awake after my turkey-induced coma… The Spread! The turkey finally came out of the oven. And can I say, we did...
Turkey is not done yet. I hate cooking poultry for this very reason – I can never tell when the darned thing is done! We’ll...
And the turkey is in the oven! (and the camera batteries are in the charger!) We’re really hoping we’re doing all of this right. I...
Now it’s late enough in the day that the smell of garlic is no longer repulsive. Which means it’s time to start roasting our garlic...
Thanksgiving morning… We begin by baking a pie, because who doesn’t love the smell of pumpkin pie at 8 in the morning? I tried out...
The first official Love and Olive Oil Thanksgiving has begun! Needless to say, this is our favorite holiday of the year. We’re not letting the...
Taylor LOVED these sandwiches. We made way too much, but he ate them for 3 meals in a row. I agreed that they had a...
This sounded interesting, so we thought we’d try it. We had apples leftover from last weeks Pork that needed to be used, so why not?...