I’m not one to wax poetic about soup.
Soup is soup and often quite boring soup at that.
For me, soup is usually a vehicle for eating more bread. Creamy soups at least, I have a hard time eating a bowl without at least a few slices to dip.
But this soup… this soup is worthy of poetic praise.
Be grateful I’m not an aspiring poet, otherwise you very well might find yourself cringing amidst sappy (er, soupy?) sonnets like an episode of the Bachelor gone bad (thank god there were no poets this season is all I’m saying).
What makes this soup so incredible, what takes it from limerick to lyric? Three words: crispy cauliflower florets. Ok a few more: with brown butter. And a splash of vinegar. Without them this is just another boring, albeit creamy as all get out, cauliflower soup. But with that brown butter drizzle, those crispy florets with a hint of vinegar tang… this soup makes me want to sing (luckily, I’ll spare you that too).
While the process of making this soup might seem somewhat complicated (Note to self: don’t look at the word “cauliflower” for too long or your eyes will start to go crossed) it actually comes together quite quickly. While the soup is simmering, the remaining florets are cooked to a lush golden brown in a bath of sizzling butter. Believe me that the sheer quantity of butter called for in this recipe is absolutely required, and totally justified once you taste the final product.
I have to give credit to friend/neighbor Michelle for enlightening me with this recipe; one look at her gorgeous bowl of creamy perfection and I knew I had to make it. And I haven’t stopped making it since. Next time I might try it with a bit of chicken broth instead of all water, just to give the soup base a bit more depth. But other than that it is perfect. Undeniably perfect. And anything but boring.
Recipe from Cook’s Illustrated via M’s Belly.
All images and text ©Lindsay Landis / Love & Olive OilLet us know what you think!
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