After making these brownies a few weeks back, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. That topping, like an extra chocolatey, peanut butter rice krispie treat, had wedged itself into the fissures of my brain.
Apparently there were some stray thoughts of ice cream floating around in there too, because it didn’t take long for me to put the two together.
I don’t know, something about the idea of a crunchy ice cream got me up off the couch and into the kitchen. Sometimes I sit and let an idea marinate for a few weeks (or at least a few hours while I finish that made-for-tv movie), but this was one of those ideas that needed to be executed post haste.
The ice cream on its own would be worth it, and why I’ve never done a straight-up peanut butter ice cream before I have no idea. But with the added element of crunch from the rice cereal, plus chocolate and even more peanut butter…
Well, let’s just say it’s worth tearing up your biceps to scoop it (literally the hardest-to-scoop ice cream I’ve ever made), since you’re cutting through chunks of solid frozen chocolate as well as the ice cream. I, as usual, made a pretty weak attempt to scoop the stuff, gave up, and promptly summoned Taylor from upstairs. He groaned and grunted and scooped maybe a tablespoon into my bowl before declaring he had to up his game at the gym. Not to work OFF the ice cream, mind you, but just so he’d be able to scoop it more easily in the future.
That’s my kind of guy.
After making the crunch concoction, you want to spread it out as thinly as you can on a baking sheet before freezing it. The thinner it is the easier it will be to break or chop into pieces after it has set. The smaller the pieces, the easier it will be to scoop. At the same time, you want to keep the rice krispies as whole as possible, as the chocolate covering the krispies is what keeps them crunchy even when surrounded by frozen cream. Ideally you’d have each individual krispie separated and completely surrounded by chocolate, but realistically that’s not going to happen.
Just consider it a win-win… how many foods do you actually burn calories before and during the consumption process? Two, I believe: celery, and this ice cream.
“Crunch” portion inspired by this recipe from Peanut Butter Comfort.
All images and text ©Lindsay Landis / Love & Olive OilLet us know what you think!
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