Summer, I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.
I’m going to miss your evening light. Even now I can see it slowly slinking away earlier than the night before.
I’m going to miss your markets. Your festivals. Your weekend events. Bare feet and flip flops. And ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.
Granted, I’m not going to miss your stifling heat and suffocating humidity, but that doesn’t make me love you any less.
But what I’m really going to miss the most is your bounty. Your ripe tomatoes, fresh herbs, sweet summer corn. Heck, I’ll even miss your influx of summer squash, which I’ve admitted before is not my favorite thing in the world.
But I will miss that squash for opportunities like this one. The fact that I am neither a squash lover nor a soup person in any sense of the word should tell you something; the fact that I went back for seconds of this light and creamy summer soup should incite you to act. Don’t complain about week after week of yellow abundance; savor that summer squash while you still have it. It’ll be gone before you know it.
Recipe from Epicurious.
All images and text ©Lindsay Landis / Love & Olive OilLet us know what you think!
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