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Homemade Cadbury Cream Egg Recipe

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Oh yes I did.

Something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I’ve had this recipe bookmarked… but haven’t had the guts to actually do it. Well I did it… I did it alright. I think I’ll do it again too. And again. And again.

Granted, the closest I could scrounge up for an ‘egg’ shape was a cheap plastic egg tray from Kroger. A real egg-shaped candy mold would have been ideal; but I didn’t have the time to hunt one down. So I made the most of what I had. You can use whatever you’d like; be it a deviled egg tray, a real egg candy mold, or even mini cupcake cups. Use whatever you can find. Because you have to make these.

Homemade Cadbury Cream Eggs

I know there are many of you out there who probably despise Cadbury eggs. I get it. While I say I love them, I usually splurge on one or two the instant they appear in the stores, typically the day after Valentine’s day. I eat them, chug a glass of water, and that’s it. Two is usually enough and I’m out for the count. To call them sickeningly sweet would be an understatement.

Well let me tell you, cream-egg-haters, I think you’ll like these; no, I think you’ll LOVE these. It’s all about the math: these homemade versions have a much higher chocolate to cream ratio, and that, paired with a rich, dark chocolate – I could eat a handful of these without a second thought. Taylor too. In fact, he politely requested I hand over the whole container (I didn’t). And he’s usually the one to scoff at my seasonal indulgence.

And yes, I realize these have corn syrup in them, and corn syrup is evil, blah blah blah. Let me reiterate the “seasonal indulgence” part. It’s Easter. Cream eggs are allowed. The bunny said so. And if you’re going to eat a corn syrup filled egg, why not make it a homemade corn syrup filled egg? At least then you know what ELSE is going (or not going) into it.

Chocolate Covered Cream Eggs

Makes about 2 dozen (or so). Adapted from here.

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1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups powdered sugar, sifted
4 drops yellow food coloring
1-2 drops red food coloring

1 (12 ounce) chocolate chips of your choice (I used dark chocolate, feel free to use semi-sweet or milk chocolate, up to you!)
2 teaspoons vegetable shortening


Combine the corn syrup, butter, vanilla and salt in a large bowl. Beat well with an electric mixer until smooth. Add powdered sugar, a little bit at at time and mix by hand after each addition. Mix until creamy.

Remove about 1/3 of the sugar mixture and place in a small bowl. Add the food coloring and mix well. Cover both mixtures and chill for at least 2 hours or until firm and workable.

Combine the chocolate chips and shortening in a double boiler or ceramic bowl. Slowly melt, stirring gently, until mixture is smooth.

Prepare an egg candy mold (or you can also used a deviled egg plate lightly greased with shortening).

Thinly coat the inside of the mold with chocolate coating. Refrigerate or freeze until set.

Carefully press a layer of white filling into the mold (you may need to grease your hands – this stuff is sticky!) followed by a small oval of orange, and another layer of white. Spread inside mold. Top with more chocolate filling and refrigerate or freeze until completely set before removing from molds. Repeat with remaining chocolate and filling.

Alternatively, you can also roll a small, marble size from the orange filling. Wrap a small amount of the white filling around the orange. Form into the shape of eggs and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Chill for at least 4 hours, or until set, and then coat each cream center with chocolate.

All images and text © / Love & Olive Oil

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