Classic Italian Spritz Cocktail
The classic Italian Spritz is the perfect cocktail recipe for summer: with crisp, bubbly prosecco and a bitter sweet apertif, there are few things more...
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The classic Italian Spritz is the perfect cocktail recipe for summer: with crisp, bubbly prosecco and a bitter sweet apertif, there are few things more...
For lovers of raw cookie dough, these jaw-dropping ice cream sandwiches are the ultimate treat: featuring layers of raw cookie dough and a rich, brown...
I’ll fully admit to letting my stomach guide me in our decision to spend 2 days in Zurich this past spring, or, more accurately, my...
You’ll go ape wild for this boozy twist on a traditional monkey bread recipe, with bite sized bobbles of homemade brioche dipped in cinnamon sugar...
Your favorite chicken parmesan is now an easy-to-make pasta bake! Full of melty mozzarella cheese and a simple, flavorful tomato sauce, this satisfying weeknight dinner...
Fresh strawberry pie bursting with ripe spring berries and a hint of floral rose. The berries in this pie are not baked, just held together...
Taylor and I are headed off to Europe for two weeks, spending time in Venice (we loved it so much the first time we just...
My classic homemade granola recipe gets a fruity twist: with triple blueberry goodness! Blueberry jam, dried blueberries, and freeze-dried blueberries to be exact, plus homemade...
The city of Verona, despite being one of the most architecturally and historically significant cities in Northern Italy, seems to fly under the radar, with larger...
Rich cocoa brownies topped with a creamy chocolate ganache and crunchy rainbow candy bits. Look familiar? It should: this recipe is a homemade version of...
Topped with flavorful sautéed tofu, fresh carrot and radish, fried shallots, peanuts, and a sprinkle of fresh cilantro, these Vietnamese-inspired noodle bowls are as vibrant...
Tender, buttery shortbread with a hint of almond and studded with mini chocolate chips. This recipe is ridiculously easy to prepare, making it a perfect...