Love and Olive Oil

A Peek Inside our Kitchen

You may have been reading this blog of ours for days, weeks, or even years (yay! and thank you!) Sure, we post a picture here and there, or a video of our hands… but after all that time I figured it was about time we gave you a bit more of a peek inside our kitchen. Let you get to know the people behind the words and pictures and recipes that you see here every week.

As we’ve been wanting to do more with video on the blog, we took a digital video class this fall at a local art school. Just for fun. And as our class project, we decided to create an “about video” for the blog. For you. So rather than just reading about us, you actually get to see and hear us in all our awkward glory.

You’ll have to excuse our quirks, like the lumpy cake batter, mixer explosion, side talking and begging cats. Because that’s who we are, really and truly. No gimmicks. No special effects. Just us.

I hope you like it (and us!)

On, and if you’re hungry after watching that, check out the Classic Reuben Sandwich recipe and the recipe for the Yellow Cake with Chocolate Fudge Frosting that we prepare in the video.

About Lindsay & Taylor

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  1. Love the video! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Cookies cakes pies o my mmmmmmmmm 

  3. How fun! We’re doing homemade gifts this year; biscotti, lemon curd, probably some cookies :) I can’t wait to start baking!

  4. Gotta love the cookies!

  5. I love homemade treats! Happy Baking!

  6. Love the video!  It’s always nice to see the bloggers behind all the fantastic recipes!  Glad we got to see a peek of your kitties, too – mine are the same way, begging anytime we step into the kitchen!

  7. Both sandwich and cake look scrumptious!  

  8. Thanks for the giveaway! I love homemade goodies! This is icing on the cake after the cookie swap :) Thanks again for hosting it!

  9. You guys are just too cute. I met my husband in culinary school 22 years ago. He tells everyone that I’m the chef, he’s just the prep cook and a sloppy one at that. But our best times are when we get to spend time in the kitchen cooking. Thanks for the invite into your kitchen.

  10. I just started following.  I goodie box sounds great!

  11. Love homemade goodies!

  12. So fun!! I love that you actually took a class.

  13. Oh, I’d be soooo happy if you picked me. And you could just send that reuben and cake and I’d be thrilled!

  14. This really speaks to how we are in the kitchen , including the begging cats. Love the video. Your recipes are inspiring!

  15. Yum hope I win! You guys are adorable! :)

  16. I haven’t had homemade cookies as gift at Christmas in quite a few years. We had a friend growing up who always used to deliver a box of homemade goodies to our family. Nowadays, if anyone in the family wants a treat, I’m always the one who “gets” to make it and deliver it. So, this would be a nice treat for me! Many thanks! Kelly

  17. I bake all the time and give to friends, it would be fun to receive a box from you! Thank You!

  18. I have always loved getting platters of holiday goodies, and now I love giving them too! Such a great giveaway!

  19. I heart cookies!

  20. Love the video.  You both are adorable

  21. Love the video and the cheesiness :) 

  22. Great video and what a great giveaway! Homemade treats are the best!

  23.  I have enjoyed reading your blog for so long, it was nice to add an even more personal component with the video.  I loved it.  You two are adorable and sweet. Thanks for sharing with all of us. 

  24. Cute video. A lot of bloggers are starting to do videos too. It’s a nice way to really get to know the bloggers.

  25. You two are adorable!  I’d love to eat cookies made by you. 

  26. Thank you for all the recipes ideas. I usually practice your recipes with my co-workers. They would love to taste some of your cookies actually baked by you!

  27. Love the video!!  I’m looking forward to seeing more from you both.  Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. Love your blog! Pick me! Pick me!!

  29. I love that you love your cats (maybe even as much as I love mine!) and cookie dough. I think those two fact automatically make us friends. :) Merry Christmas!

  30. A great giveaway.  Thanks!

  31. Thanks so much for that little peek!  You two have something so special in your home, that is very evident.  I would love for my husband to share my love of baking/cooking and join me in our kitchen.  Still, he loves to eat what I cook :0).  We have four little ones, ages 7, 6, 6, and 4, who love to bake and cook though!  They will be in full swing this year (for the first time) helping me bake for our goodie boxes.  Talk about a tornado in the kitchen!  Love to you both, and Merry Christmas from our kitchen to yours.

  32. what a fun video! thanks for having us in your home – you all are just so stinkin cute :) 

  33. What an awesome idea for a giveaway….my hubby and I love to cook together as well…it makes for an awesome at home date night

  34. Yuuum, cookies! 

  35. Aww…loved this vid, Lindsay and Taylor! Also, loved that the fam (kitties) made an appearance. You two remind me of my hubby and me together. Having your best friend as your mate, and sharing a passion (food and cats), is the best! Thank you for sharing! xo

  36. If I win, I won’t sue you, I promise!

  37. What a wonderful giveway! Cookies are a wonderful thing =)

  38. I love surprises!  And I’m sure that whatever you include will be yummy!

  39. Adorable kitties! The cake looks delicious!

  40. Loved the video & would love to win some of your delicious goodies :)

  41. This video was perfect and I love that you both had different foods you ended up eating at the end (that cake looks divine!!). Thanks for sharing with us, always, and I love the idea of receiving a box of cookies from you both!

  42. Love the behind the scenes glimpse! And the cats crack me up :)

  43. Love reading all your posts. Everything is amazing and inspiring. Thanks for what you do and for doing this giveaway!

  44. You guys are so cute! Thanks for the video (and the sweet treat giveaway!) Merry Christmas!

  45. I will gladly take any cookies off of your hands!

  46. Now that’s a cool giveaway! Count me in :)

  47. My kids would love to sample your box. :)

  48. Cute video! And your cats are sweet.. How nice that you can work together in the kitchen–my cooking time is solitary. I’m not complaining, though; I thoroughly enjoy my time in the kitchen (except the cleaning-up part). Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the giveaway, too.

  49. Love the video. Well done! As for the begging cats I have a bigger shitzu so I can relate.
    Fingers crossed LOVE cookies. ;)

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